Can I Wait On Dental Implants?

We often find that patients prefer to spend their time carefully considering tooth replacement options, rather than rushing into making a final decision. Granted, making a fully informed choice is always wise. However, when it comes to addressing tooth loss (particularly significant tooth loss), urgency often becomes a factor. If you have been thinking about selecting dental implants to restore your smile, we suggest you learn more about how your planning can affect your success with this tooth replacement solution. Keep in mind – we encourage you to schedule a visit with us, so we may provide you with one-on-one care unique to your smile completion needs.

Choosing Dental Implants With Urgency

After tooth loss, your jawbone tissue begins to deteriorate. This happens because your roots used to stimulate your jaw tissue, a process that signaled your body to provide your jawbone with nutrients. As a result, your jawbone remained strong because it had teeth to support. Without this stimulation, your jawbone essentially “thinks” it has no teeth to support and resorption gradually occurs. Dental implants restore the stimulation provided by your tooth roots, which thereby protects your jawbone from deteriorating.

How Long Do I Have To Plan My Smile?

After you lose your teeth, your bone tissue begins to break down. This bone deterioration after tooth loss may peak between six month to approximately 18 months after tooth loss – the experience and rate of bone loss is unique to each patient. It will continue throughout the rest of your life. You will need our assistance to determine the best plan for your smile.

Why You Should Schedule A Dental Implant Consultation

Making assumptions about your options and your oral health can cause you to miss out on wonderful opportunities for restoring your smile. For instance, many patients don’t realize we can help them prepare for dental implants with restorative oral surgery treatments like bone grafting, if necessary – this will help to improve bone volume and strength. Contact us for a visit, so we can answer questions and guide you toward a complete smile.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).