Halloween Quiz: Can You Keep Your Smile Safe?

Are you ready to protect your oral health from the scary, the spooky, and the truly frightening? While Halloween can certainly bring with it some dangers, it’s also a time to have fun and enjoy yourself with friends and family! Rather than allow yourself to feel conflicted about taking part in the celebration, we’d much prefer you feel prepared to indulge through an educated approach. Let’s cover the basics, so you can keep your teeth, your jaws, and even your dental implants safe.

Watch For Red Flags

There are those items you simply know to avoid because they can cause damage to your natural teeth, to your dental implants, and to your smile in general. When food appears to require a sledgehammer to break it apart, your teeth should not be required to complete the task. When candy is extraordinarily sticky, it could literally dislodge a dental crown. The best option? Turn a blind eye to these options and look for delightful treats that will leave your mouth in one piece.

Add Sugarless Gum Into The Mix

We certainly wouldn’t think of suggesting you avoid candy on this festive night. However, we do have a suggestion that is safe for natural smiles, dental implants, and everything in between. Try out sugarless chewing gum either if you’re looking for a way to indulge your sweet tooth without sugar or if you just ate candy but you don’t have your brush and toothpaste handy. Chewing on gum that does not contain sugar for several minutes after you eat your candy or snack (around 20 minutes is optimal) will provide some serious protection against the negative consequences of sugar on your oral health. It will also help keep your breath fresh and is safe to chew!


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).