Bone Grafting: Questions About Aftercare

The benefits of bone grafting are many! This is a particularly necessary treatment if you are someone planning to receive dental implants (but your jawbone isn’t ready). While the advantages are likely enough to motivate you to schedule the procedure, you may find that you’d feel even better about things if you had some details about aftercare. We’re happy to give you a quick glimpse into what you can expect!

Now What?

Don’t worry! After your bone grafting procedure is complete, we will send you home with a thorough set of aftercare instructions. They will include information about how to manage any discomfort or swelling, how to keep your mouth clean, what to eat to promote proper healing, and when you may return to your usually scheduled activities.

What’s Normal?

When you’re through with your bone grafting procedure and you return home, you like to know what’s normal and what types of things should cause alarm. Consider a quick rundown of the “normal” stuff:

  • You’ll rest for about 48 hours
  • You’ll deal with some swelling, which should start to go down after about the third day
  • You may experience some discomfort, which you can easily manage with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen
  • Significant bleeding should let up after around four hours; minor bleeding should occur for about a full day

When Should I Call?

If you feel like something is wrong, such as blood loss that continues to remain heavy or severe discomfort, you should contact us right away at our 24-hour answering service. Call (707) 545-4625. Rest easy, will respond to you soon.

Learn About Bone Grafting During A Visit

Talk with us during your visit to learn more about what to expect after bone grafting, so you feel prepared to improve your smile. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.