July 4th: Protect Those Implants!

What plans do you have for celebrating Independence Day? Whatever they are, if you’re an implant wearer, you and your dental implants will be celebrating together! Of course, that means that you’ll probably be enjoying some fun party fare that you might not usually snack on. So, to ensure you make it through the fireworks and food without damaging your smile in the meantime, we suggest you make your way through some easy to follow and very helpful tips first.

Watch Out For Seeds, Kernels, Etc.

Think about the stuff you might be offered up during a party with friends. It’s summertime, so berries might make an appearance. Possibly watermelon. Then again, you might find yourself holding a bowl of popcorn as you don your special fireworks glasses. Whatever the case, remain mindful of hard-to-see seeds and kernels that you will certainly recognize if you accidentally bite into one. Your dental implants, restorations, and more will remain the safer for it.

Beware The Sugar

There’s lots of sugar when it comes to parties. Sugar in the barbecue sauce you’re anticipating, sugar in the natural fruit you’ll snack on, sugar in the lemonade, and sugar in the Fourth of July stars-and-stripes cake! While we always encourage you to enjoy yourself, this is simply a reminder that you might be upping your usual sugar dosage and feeling a bit more laid back than usual: Don’t let this cause you to skip your usual dental hygiene session. Brush and floss as usual, so your dental implants and oral health remain safe.

Keep Implants Safe With Our Help

Throughout your day to day life, holidays, and everything in between, we are always happy to guide you toward a healthy smile. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.