Sedation: 3 Things You Should Remember

There are some things in regard to sedation for your smile that we encourage you to remember. Though the full list would be quite lengthy, we’d like to focus today on some reminders associated with your feelings of uncertainty or embarrassment as you’re learning more about anesthesia. So, let’s help you feel wonderful about discovering more, asking questions, and becoming much more comfortable with the topic.

#1: Your Reason Is Probably Good Enough

You might think that your reason for wanting sedation for your smile is just not good enough. For many patients, feeling just a little nervous, disliking the smells associated with oral health care, having a severe gag reflex, and more are too embarrassing to mention. This should not be the case! Nearly any reason you feel that additional relaxation may benefit you will qualify. Ask us about it!

#2: It’s Okay To Ask Us To Explain Your Options Again

Did we walk you through options for sedation for your smile when we last met with you? Do you have a pretty good memory but you feel you need more information or you just don’t have everything memorized at the moment? This is perfectly okay. We will be happy to discuss your options with you again.

#3: It’s More Than Okay To Ask Lots Of Questions

Do you have a variety of inquiries that you’d like answered but you feel as you begin discussing sedation for your smile with us, you should limit your curiosity? Please ask. Once you learn all that you need to know, you will feel so much better about choosing this option.

Gain Confidence About Sedation By Learning With Us

Ask us whatever it is you’re curious about and whatever you cannot remember about sedation, so your knowledge and confidence grows. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.