Should I Use Anesthesia or Dental Sedation?

Anesthesia is a form of dental sedation, but it is not the only form. The choice to have or not have dental sedation can be a highly personal one. Of course, your oral surgeon will advise you, and some procedures require anesthesia or some form of sedation. But when sedation is not required, there are reasons that some patients opt for the gentle and comfortable support that sedation offers. Your Rohnert Park oral surgeons will address sedation options for you to consider, when you come for a consultation.

Consider: Health Changes

Health considerations can affect sedation choices. For example, women may be recommended against sedation, even nitrous oxide (laughing gas), if they are pregnant or might be pregnant. Certain chronic and short term health conditions may affect your oral surgeon’s ability to safely administer anesthesia, and so there may be other recommendations.

Consider: Your Level of Anxiety

Not everyone experiences the same level of comfort (or discomfort) at the thought of a dental procedure. If you are experiencing feelings from reluctance to dread about a dental surgery, the smart option may be anesthesia, so you can have the needed procedure, and return to good oral health. For patients with a neutral attitude, it may make sense to forgo nitrous oxide or other sedation designed to induce a calmer mindset. Some patients opt for sedation at some appointments, but decline it at others. There is no one right answer.

Consider: The Length of the Procedure

Sedation can make a lengthy procedure more comfortable. Sitting still for a long procedure can be especially challenging for those who naturally fidget, and even quiet-natured people can benefit from help in relaxing and sitting quietly. The fewer unexpected movements during a delicate procedure, the better for everyone involved.

You Have Choices with Anesthesia and Sedation

We know that no two patients are alike when it come to dental comfort and sedation needs. That’s why we take the time to go over sedation options before any procedure. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.