Dental Implants: 3 Easy Things To Learn About Before 2019

You might have the sense that since 2018 is winding down, you may have missed your chance to learn about dental implants and begin getting started with replacing missing teeth. The good news is that even though you might not have your smile totally complete by the end of the year, there is more than enough time to begin. There is a lot to learn, of course, and plenty of time to sort through the details and find yourself thoroughly ready to begin implementing a care plan. Give our Rohnert Park, CA team time to introduce a few very easy, yet very impactful things there are most certainly time to learn about before the New Year.

#1: Whether Your Dental Insurance Offers Any Coverage

If you are feeling strongly about choosing dental implants as your smile solution after tooth loss and you think that the dental insurance you have may actually cover implants, oral surgery, or restorations to some degree, then there is certainly no time like the present for some investigating. Particularly because benefits frequently begin fresh at the start of a new year, we encourage you to learn more about what you can expect from your coverage, so you may more easily plan accordingly.

#2: Where You Are With Your Implant Candidacy

Why wait until next year to begin learning more about where you are at the moment with your candidacy? Keep any fresh momentum going in regard to selecting dental implants by coming in to meet with us. Maybe you’re completely ready for the implantation of the dental posts. Perhaps you need a treatment like jaw grafting first. When you discover the details, you can plan from today and onward, making the next few months the beginning of your journey, rather than waiting.

#3: About All Of Your Options Suited To Your Smile

You’ve still got plenty of time to come in to our practice to find out so much more about dental implants. You may fully understand what an implant is but have you discovered and explored all that our practice offers in the way of different types of solutions? Don’t assume you already know it all! There may be some pleasant surprises.

Learn About Implants Before The Year Is Through

While there may only be a few months left in this year, remember that it is plenty of time with which to learn much more about implants for your smile. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.