Dental Implants: 4 Problems With Ignoring Smile Care 

When you have dental implants in place, which means you also have restorations replacing the crowns of missing teeth, you may suddenly get the idea that you don’t need to worry about smile care anymore. Sure, you should do something in order to maintain fresh breath. However, you ask yourself: Why bother with brushing and flossing artificial material that cannot become decayed or infected or damaged by bacteria anyway? Is there any use? The answer, of course, is yes! It is absolutely essential that you continue your attention to preventive dental care and more. Consider problems that may develop without it for a clearer understanding.

#1: Plaque Accumulation

Patients often overlook: When you don’t brush and floss anymore, you end up with plaque accumulation. Plaque coats your smile every day, whether you have natural teeth filling up your smile, dental implants and crowns, implants and other restorations, or a mix of the two. Plaque, as you have likely learned over the years, is full of bacteria, some of which are okay but some of which are dangerous for your oral health. Unless you practice consistent smile care through brushing, flossing, and cleanings, you will end up with a buildup of this harmful substance.

#2: Food Accumulation

Now, remember that when you practice your preventive smile care, you rid your smile of food particles that are left behind when you eat. When you brush and floss and receive cleanings, you keep your natural teeth, other tissues, and your dental implants and restorations clean. This means less food for the aforementioned bacteria that live within plaque. It also means no decaying food particles (that can smell). Furthermore? It means you’re getting rid of potentially staining particles that can yellow your restorations and natural teeth.

#3: Overlooking Treatable Concerns

We remind you, as well, that when you stop taking care of your smile once you receive dental implants and restorations, this means you’re probably missing your dental checkups. Unfortunately, this leaves you vulnerable to a whole host of oral health problems that may or may not be related to your teeth or dental implants. You will overlook treatable concerns and will likely only notice them once they have become severe.

#4: Putting Healthy Tissue In Harm’s Way

Remember, too, that when you ignore smile care once you receive dental implants, the reason this is such a problem is because the aforementioned plaque, food particles, and more can damage remaining natural tissues and can even cause the failure of implants. While a crown may not become damaged by plaque, gum tissue will, which can cause peri-implantitis. See what we mean? Keep caring for your smile!

Keep Up With Prevention For Implant Protection 

Remember that we are more than happy to review the means through which you may easily and successfully protect your dental implants, so they may continue to succeed in your smile. Just ask for care tips! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.