Category: Dental Implants

How Dental Implants Provide A New Smile

santa rosa dental implant placement

When you have missing teeth, whether this includes one lost tooth or several, then you need to seek prosthetic dentistry. We can use dental implants to address the loss of one or more teeth, so you can enjoy optimal oral health and bite function. They also provide a lifelike appearance too. In today’s blog, your… Read more »

A New Implant World

Science Santa Rosa CA

One of the most popular forms of current dental procedures is the placement of a prosthodontic implant with a threaded titanium post. These grow with the help of our body through a unique process known as osseointegration. This special metal thrives when placed within the bone of the jaw, providing an amazingly strong foundation for… Read more »

Addressing Tooth Loss With Our Dental Implants

rohnert park dental implants

If you have missing teeth, then we can offer a long-lasting replacement option that blends seamlessly with your smile. Using advanced Straumann® dental implant materials, we can secure a new smile. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about our dental implants.

Ensuring Your Dental Implant Placement Is Comfortable

santa rosa sedation dentistry

When you have a missing tooth, or if you’re going to receive a set of fixed dentures, then you may benefit from dental implants. The placement process involves oral surgery, so we want you to feel calm and comfortable. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about our dental sedation options.

All-On-Four Could Mean A New Smile In One Visit

rohnert park all on four

When you have total or near total tooth loss, this could impact how you eat, speak, and even your confidence in your smile. But we can offer a set of full dentures secured with durable dental implants, and often we can do so in the same visit! In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA,… Read more »

Learn More About Durable Dental Implants

santa rosa dental implants

Dental implants are durable, lifelike, and can last for years to come, possibly decades. In addition, they help preserve your facial structure and jawbone strength too. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about what makes them so durable and strong!

Using Straumann® Dental Implants

rohnert park dental implants

When we see patients with missing teeth, we want to help by replacing these lost teeth. To ensure lifelike results, and a new smile that can last for decades, possibly a lifetime, we use high-quality materials. Which is why your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will use Straumann® Dental Implants.

All-On-Four Provides A Confident Smile

santa rosa all on four implants

When you have advanced tooth loss, you need dentures. While effective, removable dentures do have their drawbacks, and advanced tooth loss could mean your jaw is too weak for traditional implant dentures. But your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons could transform smiles with All-On-Four, often in one appointment!

Implants Offer Advanced Tooth Replacement

santa rosa dental implants

When you have a missing tooth, or even if you have several, we can help with an advanced and lifelike option. Dental implants can correct minor and severe cases of tooth loss, and offer decades of tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons discuss implant dentistry.

New Smiles With Straumann® Dental Implants

santa rosa dental implants

We want to help address tooth loss with a lifelike option, one that not only looks great, but lasts for decades and can even preserve your youthful features. To do so, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will use Straumann® dental implants, and help address individual missing teeth or even secure a full set… Read more »