Oral Surgery Visits: Things You Will Definitely Gather

When you come in to see us for an oral surgery visit, you may wonder if you’re going to learn everything you need to learn and head home feeling satisfied. Part of you thinks that since this is a more advanced area of care, you may end up feeling overwhelmed or heading home without all of the details you need! Good news. We already recognize that this is a concern and, as we would like you to feel fantastic about your experience with our Santa Rosa, CA oral and maxillofacial surgery practice, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about the stuff we’ve already prepped for you, so you’ll quickly realize we prefer sending our patients off with what they need.


Let’s Talk About: What Does A Dental Post Do?

You have heard us talk about dental posts before. It’s another way of describing your dental implant. However, when we say post, it’s much easier for patients to remember that we’re talking strictly about that part of the tooth replacement and not the entire thing (the post, abutment, and restoration). With that said, you may find yourself wondering about this strategically placed bit of titanium that lets you go from a missing tooth to a fully replaced tooth (from root to crown). Curious about what it actually does and more? Our Rohnert Park, CA is pleased to break down the details.


Winter In July: Start Those Implants Today! 

Have you been noticing those holiday and wintertime specials going on now, in the midst of summer? Why not hop on the “winter in July” train by personalizing it in a way that makes sure your smile is ready for the holiday season? After all, what better present could you possibly select now and enjoy by the time the winter holidays arrive than dental implants for your missing teeth? In addition to simply being relieved and overjoyed at your complete grin and improved oral health, you’ll also be thrilled to feel ready, beautiful, and able to completely participate in the festivities that the merriest of seasons has to offer. Learn more from our Rohnert Park, CA team about getting started now (and why)!


Back To School: What’s On Your Oral Surgery List?

Are you getting your stuff together to head back to school? Perhaps you’re a student or a teacher! How about your children? Are they about to get ready for an exciting, brand new year in the classroom? In whatever way back to school time is impacting your life, our Santa Rosa, CA team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons reminds you that we are here for your smile care needs! Since this may not be the first thing on your to-do list (but it’s definitely something you know you need to address sooner than later), we offer you a handful of reminders to consider, so you can get your smile in good shape with oral surgery before the bell rings!


Why Third Molars Often Become Problems

What many people most commonly know as wisdom teeth are actually their third set of molars – the permanent teeth that develop and erupt at the ends of your dental ridges. Following the development of your second set of permanent molars, wisdom teeth usually begin to erupt by the age of 18. For many people, this signals the start of potentially serious wisdom tooth trouble, such as the impaction of the molars within the jawbone before they have a chance to erupt. At our Rohnert Park, CA, office, we can carefully remove impacted wisdom teeth through conservative oral surgery, helping you eliminate the source of your problems and restore your good oral health. (more…)

Tooth Loss – How At-Risk Are You?

Some people believe they’ll never lose a tooth because they take excellent care of their smile whey they can. Others believe they’re destined to lose one or more teeth, no matter how well they care for their smiles. The truth is that neither of them are correct. Tooth loss isn’t a natural occurrence that everyone must experience. It can be prevented, but it takes consistently good dental hygiene and dental care. At our Santa Rosa, CA, office, we can help you understand your specific tooth loss risks and mitigate them to reduce your chances of ever needing a tooth replacement. (more…)

Dental Implants: 4 Problems With Ignoring Smile Care 

When you have dental implants in place, which means you also have restorations replacing the crowns of missing teeth, you may suddenly get the idea that you don’t need to worry about smile care anymore. Sure, you should do something in order to maintain fresh breath. However, you ask yourself: Why bother with brushing and flossing artificial material that cannot become decayed or infected or damaged by bacteria anyway? Is there any use? The answer, of course, is yes! It is absolutely essential that you continue your attention to preventive dental care and more. Consider problems that may develop without it for a clearer understanding.


Are You Putting Your Implants In Danger?

You know that there’s such a thing as dental implant success. Generally speaking, implants have an extremely high rate of success, so the potential for having a good experience with them is quite high! However, you also know that on the other end of the spectrum, there’s something called implant failure. You don’t like thinking about this, of course, but you are aware that with this in mind, there must be certain things that can place your implants in danger (and you’d really love to avoid them). Let our Rohnert Park, CA offer you some of the major culprits, so you may steer clear of them, as you keep your smile in amazing condition!


What Really Goes Into Considering Implants? 

The consideration that you put into potentially making dental implants your prosthetic for replacing missing teeth? It’s truly something! Generally speaking, you don’t simply saunter into an oral and maxillofacial surgery practice and announce that you’re ready for implants, no questions asked. With that said, you may wonder what really goes into the process of consideration. Is it all about applying logic to what will work for you? What are other patients going through? As always, our Rohnert Park, CA team is on your side and is ready to help, so you feel empowered!


Why Seemingly Healthy Teeth Break 

Here you are, heading to our Santa Rosa, CA oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. One day, your smile was complete and all teeth seemingly in amazing health! The next? You end up breaking teeth and requiring extractions and dental implants to replace them. You may find that you have no idea how this could have happened. To help you better understand that things aren’t always as they appear (and that sometimes, accidents just happen, which is one of the reasons we are here!), we offer you insight.
