santa rosa extract wisdom teeth

How We Comfortably Extract Wisdom Teeth

santa rosa extract wisdom teethWhen you approach adulthood, the arrival of your wisdom teeth could mean serious trouble for your smile. With a tooth extraction, we could prevent their eruption, or address any impacted ones that have already arrived. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will discuss wisdom tooth extraction.

The Risks of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Also known as your third molars, these teeth will erupt in our late teens or in our early 20s. For some, up to four could arrive at once. Since your smile comfortably holds 28 teeth, and this pushes the number to 32 in the same space, thus result could be major complications. A partial eruption, known as an impaction, could be a source of discomfort. Your new molars could also cause dental misalignment, damaged teeth, and infection. The changes to your bite balance could also lead to associated complications, like TMJ disorder or bruxism (chronic teeth grinding). To avoid discomfort and major changes to the beauty and function of your smile, you should talk to our team about an extraction.

Anesthesia and Sedation

First, we will carefully examine your smile to identify the position of the wisdom teeth and to find out if they pose a threat to your smile. If so, then we may recommend an extraction. When time comes for treatment, we will administer a local anesthesia and also use sedation to ensure you enter a calm and relaxed state. We have three options: nitrous oxide, oral, and IV sedation. The effects take time to wear off, so a friend or family member will need to bring you home.

Extraction and Aftercare

The digital x-ray images we gather with cone beam technology lets us plan treatment to avoid sinuses and nerve tissues. We open the gums above them to reach and remove the teeth with a pair of forceps. Afterward, we preserve the removal site and suture it closed. During a follow-up visit, we will remove the sutures. At home, you will need to take a day to rest, eating only soft foods, avoid activity, and take any prescribed medications as instructed. The procure itself is quick, only taking about a half hour on average.

If you have any questions about how we remove wisdom teeth to prevent complications, or if you have any other issues that may require oral and maxillofacial surgery, then contact our team today learn more. Let’s enjoy optimal oral health in 2021!

Do You Have Questions About Tooth Extraction?

With a safe and comfortable removal, we can help you enjoy an even and healthy smile. To learn more about carefully removing your third molars, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.