Getting Started: Tooth Replacement

Are you feeling unsure about how to proceed now that you are ready to replace your tooth? If so, we urge you to remember that every patient who experiences tooth loss goes through the same thing – you have an open space in your smile that you would like to fill but getting started proves somewhat confusing. Fortunately, kick starting your journey and making your way to the finish line (a beautiful, complete smile) is a simple feat. We are happy to provide you with the introductory details you need, so you feel comfortable about what lies ahead.

Talk To Us

Do you have some initial questions about our practice? Perhaps you are curious about details that don’t necessarily warrant a visit just yet (or the only thing you are certain about is that you need a consultation to discuss tooth loss). Please feel free to contact us by phone! Our thoughtful team will be glad to take your call, answer inquiries, and set up a consultation for you to come in to speak with us about tooth replacement.

Check Out Our Website

If you have spent even a nominal amount of time online seeking out information about tooth replacement, tooth loss, and options like dental implants, you have noticed that the reliability of the literature you find is all over the place. To get an idea of what you can really expect, take a look around our website. It will provide you with a reliable, expert introduction into replacing missing teeth as an extension of what you will learn from us during a visit.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).