Our mouths and tongues are full of nerve endings, and they often sense even tiny changes in our mouths. For children, that may be a wiggly tooth, or the sensitive area when a new tooth is coming in. By the age of 20, most people have attained their full set of teeth, and new lumps, bumps or sensitive areas may be a sign of oral pathology. In addition to any change you may spot on your own, you will be happy to know that your dentist keeps a close eye on all aspects of your oral health, at every checkup and cleaning.
Pay Attention to Anything New
Your tongue may alert you when something is different in your mouth. Other times, you may be brushing your teeth and hit a sensitive area that didn’t used to be there. White patches, reddish patches, or any new patch with a different color or texture form the surrounding skin should evaluated by a trained professional. Other things that should receive professional evaluation include a sore that doesn’t heal, or a tender area that doesn’t resolve naturally in a few days. There may be no cause for concern, but it is always better to catch an issue early.
When In Doubt: See Your Dentist
While you may notice something seems different, it is not necessary that you know what to do about it. Whenever you have a concern, you should schedule a visit. A dental professional can help you decide whether more detailed investigation is warranted, and help with referral, as needed.
Let Us Take Dental Worry Off Your Shoulders
We are your partners in good oral health. If you notice a change in your mouth or teeth, be sure to let us know. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.