Your Annual Wisdom Teeth Reminder!

If your wisdom teeth are giving you problems in any way, even if you find that it’s just very difficult to keep them clean (which means problems like cavities are on the horizon), then it is to your benefit to choose wisdom teeth removal. However, if you are like many of our patients, your initial good intentions to schedule the procedure can get away from you. A couple days turns into weeks, which turns into months, and this can guide you toward some serious issues with teeth that really need extractions. So, what to do? Consider our reminder to guide you toward the timely removal you need.

Check In With Us

Who needs wisdom teeth removal? Is it you? Your spouse? Your teen or young adult child? Whoever may be in need should come on in for a visit with us. We can accomplish many things, including the following: We will check on the wisdom teeth. We will decide with you whether they need to come out. We can then schedule the procedure!

When’s A Good Time?

As mentioned, it can be difficult to set aside time for wisdom teeth removal. We mention this now for good reason! We are getting closer and closer to winter holiday time. For teens and young adults in school, this means school breaks. For adults, this often means time taken off from work. For parents, this means schedules that open wide up due to those winter breaks from class. Take advantage of the upcoming days if they happen to work well for you to schedule care for your third molars! (If not, come on in anyway and discuss your schedule with us, so we can help you figure out a date and time).

Remove Wisdom Teeth ASAP With Our Care

Come on in for a consultation, so we can make choices and plans for your wisdom teeth removal. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.