Dental Implants: When You Feel Overwhelmed

When you just close your eyes and imagine your smile in the future with dental implants in it, you grin a little bit to yourself. This is a wonderful decision you’re making, to replace teeth with implants! Good for you! Then, you open your eyes, and as you begin the process, you may have moments when you start to feel a little overwhelmed. Here’s what we have to say about that: You are perfectly normal and we are here to help you through it. (And, as a matter of fact, you really are making a fantastic decision!).

Why This Happens

You’re not simply coming in to see us for dental implants for a visit or two and then going along on your merry way. This is a long-term experience, as you know, which may include many months if not a year of us seeing one another! As you are likely used to treatments that wrap up within a couple visits, you may suddenly wonder, “What have I gotten myself into?” Not to worry. Remember that the process is lengthier because we are replacing your roots! You need time for osseointegration and to heal. The payoff, of course, is well worth your patience.

What To Do

First, before you go down the rabbit hole of feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of the benefits of choosing dental implants. They can last for a very, very long time. It will be like having your smile back! Now, we also strongly encourage you to look at your journey as one that is step by step. Focus on the next portion of your care (rather than looking way down the line), so you can enjoy the experience! Of course, we also encourage you to talk with us!

Talk With Us If You Have Implant Questions

Don’t let your questions, concerns, or feelings about implants go unanswered. Instead, please bring your thoughts to our attention, so you can feel confident. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.