“Snacks” To Avoid With Implants

There are some “snacks” you should avoid if you’re wearing dental implants. First, we put snacks in quotes because in some instances, what you’re munching away on might not exactly be something you’re taking in for caloric value (but more on that later). Next, you may think to yourself, “But I thought I could eat anything with implants that I can eat with natural teeth!” True but here’s the rub: Patients often eat certain snacks with their natural smiles that they really shouldn’t! Think through some ideas and you will see a clearer picture regarding the good and the not-so-good.


Mmm, yes, we know that popcorn is yummy and seems far and away a much better snack than a lot of other options. However, though it provides some nutritional benefits, it can prove very dangerous for those with dental implants:

  • First, remember that the hull can slip beneath the restoration and become stuck, causing inflamed gum tissue
  • Next, remember that accidentally biting down on a hard kernel can cause problems both for your restoration and your implant (it might be wise to seek other softer, kernel-free, puffed corn snacks)


Here we are: It’s not a snack, really, is it? However, you may snack on ice from time to time or as a habit. We always encourage against it. The pressure can wreak havoc with your dental implants and may also chip, erode, or break your restoration. Skip it!

Gummy Snacks

If it’s gummy, it’s probably best to avoid it. This might come in the form of candies or certain dried fruits. They will cover, coat, and stick to restorations, and may become stuck between teeth or just beneath restorations.

Make Simple Snack Choices For Safer Implants

Protecting your implants and restorations is often as easy as making sure you’re not reaching for harmful snacks. Need guidance? Ask for a little more information. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.