If you are sitting at home, shaking your head because you’d love to come in to see our Rohnert Park, CA team as soon as possible for wisdom teeth removal but you essentially have your life planned and booked from now through the final day of the year, then we can help. Whether you need your teeth removed or you are working on this treatment for your son or daughter, there’s no reason to feel upset or like there’s no other option. Call us today. Come in for a consultation, should you need one. Then, come in as soon as you can in 2019 for extractions. Consider some further details for easy planning.
Early January May Work
Particularly if you’re planning this out for your child, then you may want to consider whether your child has any winter break left once January rolls around, as this is often true for high schoolers and college kids alike. As for your own smile, check your calendar and determine when in early 2019 will work best for you. Once you’ve got your availability sorted out, it’s often much easier to call us up and to begin talking about setting up wisdom teeth removal.
Gain Some Certainty About Your Smile
If you aren’t actually sure about what your wisdom teeth require, you may want to come in as soon as you have time to speak with us about your options. Are you certain that you need wisdom teeth removal right away? Or, are you just guessing that this is probably the case? When you take the time to come in for a visit with us as soon as you can, you’ll have the information you need to make a good decision. Perhaps your 20-year-old son has perfectly healthy wisdom teeth and the procedure isn’t pressing, for instance. Gather the facts by seeing us soon, so you may plan accordingly.
The Rest Of 2019 Is Wide Open
Certain that you or your child requires wisdom teeth removal? If January isn’t going to work, you’ve got the rest of the year! Though, as always, our team suggests calling us to schedule your procedure ASAP, so you don’t end up procrastinating. Of course, if your extraction needs are urgent, let us know, so we may help.
Let Us Know About Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Needs
Come in soon for the extractions you need to keep your oral health in good shape. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.