If summertime is an easier time for you in terms of your schedule, we remind you that getting started today with your plans for summer is a very good idea. If you wait too long and summer arrives, you may discover that you missed out on having the chance to schedule the exact dates and times you wanted for oral surgery treatments because this warmest season is often a wide-open time for other patients, too! With that said, let our Santa Rosa, CA team remind you of some things you might want to consider adding to your planner by the time summer hits!
Wisdom Teeth Care
Every year around this time, as the temperatures begin to heat up, it’s our signal to remind you that summer is coming! Of course, we truly hope you enjoy your spring and have the loveliest time. However, we also just want to plant the seed in your thoughts that if you’re hoping to have your own wisdom teeth removed over the summer or if summer break is the perfect time for your adult kids’ third molar removal, don’t hesitate. Call our team just as soon as you can to talk details. That way, we’ll get you in when it’s convenient for you and you won’t have to feel you’re sacrificing summer fun!
Implant Prep
Maybe you are ready for dental implants in your heart but we have informed you that your mouth isn’t quite there yet! If summer is a good time for you, then you might want to decide to plan your prep work (such as jawbone grafting or other oral surgery needs) during this time. It gives you the opportunity to get started without any distraction, so you can just focus on your quick recovery and the next step in your experience!
Implant Placement
Then again, perhaps you are ready to go and all you need is to schedule your dental implant placement! Don’t hesitate. Call us during spring, so your summer visit for this initial oral surgery step toward tooth replacement is all planned and ready for you. Remember, all it takes is getting started. The rest of the way, you’ll just go step by step until you’ve got your complete smile back!
Anything Else!
Need anything else and summer makes life easy? Schedule your oral surgery needs today!
Make Use Of Your Summer Schedule
If summer is an easier time for you to schedule the oral surgery you need for yourself or for your child’s smile, remember to contact us soon. Getting a visit on the books ahead of time makes for easy planning and care! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.