For most of your dental health care, you’ve heard that the best thing you can do for your smile is to preserve your healthy, natural tooth structure as best you can. Therefore, if you’re told that one or more teeth need to be extracted, you might wonder if it’s really a good thing for your smile. The need for tooth extraction isn’t as common as it used to be before the advancement of modern dentistry. However, it can still arise under certain circumstances, and if it does, then seeking treatment as soon as possible could be essential to preserving the rest of your healthy smile.
You can avoid serious consequences for your oral health
The biggest benefit to extracting a tooth is removing the threat that it might pose to the rest of your healthy teeth, your oral tissues and structures, and more. The specifics of that threat depend on the reason why your tooth needs to be extracted. For instance, if it’s because of an extreme to infection (or tooth decay), it might include the risk of the infection spreading beyond the tooth’s structure and causing more complications with your oral health. If it’s because of severe tooth damage, then the compromised tooth structure by harm the nearby oral tissues or cause damage to the jawbone structure that supports it.
You can replace the tooth with a durable replacement
Once the threat of your compromised tooth is removed, you may still face the task of restoring your bite’s balance and ability to function, as well as your smile’s healthy, attractive appearance. While tooth extraction may have been necessary, the tooth’s loss can still have negative impacts on your long-term oral health if you don’t address it. In fact, most tooth extraction procedures are planned with an option for replacing the tooth as soon as possible afterward. That typically involves the placement of a dental implant post and crown, which replaces both the root and visible portion of your lost tooth.
You can save your smile from an impacted tooth
Tooth damage or decay that have become extreme are common reasons for needing tooth extraction, but some of the most frequent cases involve the impaction of a third molar, or wisdom tooth, within its surrounding bone structure. Third molars are the last of your permanent teeth to develop, and they can often become impacted, causing severe discomfort and a host of problems with your surrounding teeth and oral structures. Extracting the molars before they cause any more damage could be vital to preserving the health and integrity of the rest of your smile.
Learn if tooth extraction is a good thing for your smile
In certain circumstances, extracting a tooth could be the best thing for your smile’s future. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.