rohnert park facial trauma

Correcting Your Facial Trauma

rohnert park facial traumaFacial trauma could occur due to a serious accident or injury, and could impact your facial beauty, and even the health and function of your smile. Fortunately, our team includes dentists with surgical experience. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about correcting facial trauma.

Dangers for Your Smile

Facial damage could occur due to a serious accident or injury. These are very complex issues that impact multiple portions of your face, in your jaw, teeth, oral structures, and facial bones. While some could be basic, such as knocked out teeth, others could include complex breakage and facial lacerations. Fortunately, our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons have unique qualifications to correct these injuries. We have been trained to perform complex cosmetic closures, so in addition to treating the damage we can also ensure a more attractive outcome. In fact, Dr. Tyko and Dr. Rogers are both part of the Trauma Team at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital!

Planning Treatment

First, we need to properly understand the cause and extent of your injuries. We will examine your smile with advanced panoramic digital x-rays and CT images, which we can gather with a fraction of the radiation traditional x-rays require. These images will be available instantly chairside, so we can perform a diagnosis quickly and accurately, and walk you through the process. Our team is then able to plan the process with precision. We also work alongside your doctors, and possibly your general dentist or orthodontist should treatment need to continue following your time in our office. Every smile is different, and each one will require a personalized approach, which we’re happy to provide.

Ensuring Comfort

To keep you calm and comfortable, we will use a local anesthesia and dental sedation, so you enter a state of calm and relaxation during the procedure, with little to no memory afterward. We have three different options: nitrous oxide, oral, and IV. A trained anesthesiologist will be on hand the entire time to monitor you and adjust levels as needed. We will provide detailed aftercare, and you should have a friend or family on hand to bring you home afterward. We can monitor you with follow-up visits!


Our team can reduce or reposition the teeth, using this as the initial framework to rebuild your facial bones and ensure an esthetically friendly final result. If you have any questions, give us a call today.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Facial Trauma?

Our team is here to help address the damage your smile sustains, and offer esthetically pleasing results. If you would like to learn more about correcting damage to your face and jaw, then contact your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons by calling 707-545-4625.