santa rosa facial trauma

Addressing Your Facial Trauma

santa rosa facial traumaWhen you suffer a serious injury to your face, including lacerations, missing teeth, or a broken jaw, then this could lead to major problems with your smile’s health, function, and appearance. Fortunately, we have experience helping patients with minor and complex cases of facial trauma. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about treatment options and how we transform your smile following severe injuries.

Causes and Complications

The severity of your facial trauma could vary. For example, this could refer to a missing tooth, one knocked out during an injury or an accident. This could also mean more complex issues, such as severe facial lacerations, fractures in facial bones or jawbones, or the loss of several teeth at once. Without treatment, this could mean major issues with the function of your smile, a decline in oral health, and embarrassment regarding your appearance. Instead of letting your overall health and quality of life suffer, you should talk to our team about possible solutions.

Planning Your Custom Treatment

Our team is skilled and experienced in the treatment of complex facial trauma. In fact, we have experience in helping people in a way that improves overall facial esthetics afterward. Our doctors are part of the Trauma Team at the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, and have the knowledge to help treat your situation. To begin, we will conduct a detailed examination with digital scanning technology, so we can examine your entire smile and facial structure to assess the cause and extent of your injuries. We then plan the treatment with precision and accuracy. To ensure you’re comfortable, we can offer not only a local anesthesia, but sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state as well.

Treating Your Smile

We will often begin by repositioning your natural teeth into their proper position. Once your teeth are restored or replaced, we can build the framework of your smile around them, putting facial bones and jaw structure into proper positions. This restores the beauty of your face and smile as the treated areas heal. If you have any questions about how we tackle such complex and serious issues with oral surgery, then contact our team today. We’re ready to help you schedule your first consultation of 2023, and get you started on your math to a stronger and healthier smile, one that looks great and inspires confidence.

Do You Have Questions About Facial Trauma?

Our team is ready to address complex facial injuries and restore function, beauty, and health to your smile, helping you avoid major complications down the road. If you would like to learn more about correcting serious issues with your smile with oral surgery, then contact your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons by calling 707-545-4625.