How Jaw Surgery Improves Your Smile

santa rosa jaw surgery

When you have issues with the growth of your jaw, or one is weakened by tooth loss or injured, then we can help. With oral surgery, we can take on complex oral health concerns to bring relief to our patients, and we also consider the appearance of your smile too. Our team can correct the issues with your jaw, and in the process improve your overall quality of life. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our approach to orthognathic surgery, and how we can use this to improve the health, stability, and function of your bite, and offer a more attractive smile in the process.

When to Seek Treatment

When you have issues with the growth and development of your jaw that has created imbalance and impacted the appearance of your smile and facial structure, we can help correct this with treatment. Likewise, when you have damaged facial bones, broken or cracked jawbones, or other facial trauma, we can rebuild your smile with orthognathic surgery. If you have lost teeth and your jawbone is simply too weak to support dental implants, we can rebuild it with grafting. We will discuss these treatments in detail, but they can help you enjoy optimal oral health, bite function, and improvements to your appearance too. Treatment not only improves the appearance of your smile, but can protect you from major complications that can occur down the road, such as issues speaking clearly or eating, or even the onset of related disorders like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). You can also avoid an older appearance, as we replace missing teeth with dental implants once we strengthen and repair your jaw.

Planning Your Procedure in Detail

Our team has experience in hospital operating rooms, and work as part of the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Trauma Team. They have brought these protocols to our practice and follow strict guidelines, the same that would be expected of a hospital operating room. When you come to our office for treatment, we will gather detailed digital images of your smile, panoramic images that allow us to carefully examine the jawbone and plan treatment. With digital x-rays and CBCT technology, we can obtain clear and high-definition images using 90% less radiation. The images are available instantly chairside, and we can walk you through the diagnostic process so you better understand the state of your smile and the benefits of surgery. When the time comes for treatment, our team will administer a local anesthesia to numb the area being treated, and also choose from one of three different sedation options to help you enter a deep state of calm, with no memory of the procedure. This can even help those with dental anxiety enjoy their time in the office!

Jaw Surgery

With jaw surgery, we can move the jaw in or out, up and down, to improve the balance and function of your bite. The procedure can also offer better smile esthetics too, so you feel proud of your improved appearance.

Ridge Augmentation

With ridge augmentation, also known as jawbone grafting, we will add new materials to the lower jaw to strengthen it and make it able to support one or more dental implants, so we can move forward with restoring your missing teeth. We can use bone taken from other parts of your body, or we could employ synthetic or donor sources. The process makes receiving dental implants a simpler process, and increases the chances of long-lasting tooth replacement.

Facial Trauma

We can also rebuild damage to your face and jaw! We often begin with the placement of one or more dental implants, so that we create a new set of teeth to rebuild your smile around. We know how to repair fractured or broken facial and jaw bones, so they heal properly, and in the process, and offer good smile esthetics too.

If you have any questions about how we conduct jaw surgery to improve your smile, or if you have a serious concern that requires treatment, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule Your Orthognathic Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA

We offer oral surgery to repair damage and correct naturally occurring imbalance in your jaw, so you can smile with confidence. To learn more about improving the balance of the jaw, then give us a call at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at (707)545-4625 today! With oral surgery, we can take on complex oral health concerns and help you on the road to a healthier, stronger, and more beautiful smile.