santa rosa facial trauma

How We Treat Your Facial Trauma

santa rosa facial trauma

When you sustain serious facial trauma or lacerations, this can change the appearance of your smile and lead to major complications down the road. But our team can help, and we have experience in treating facial trauma. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our approach to treating injuries and facial trauma.

The Risks of Facial Trauma

When you sustain serious injuries that break or fracture bones in the face or jaw, this could lead to major complications down the road, including painful disorders like TMD and bruxism, and issues opening and closing your mouth. Your speech could be impacted, and you may feel uncomfortable in social situations. If you lose teeth, this could lead to a loss of mass and density in the jaw that leads to further tooth loss and a prematurely aged appearance. Our team knows how to repair and rebuild smiles following these serious injuries, so you not only enjoy better oral health and bite function, but a more attractive appearance as well.

Our Expertise as Oral Surgeons

Our doctors have experience in helping people in operating room scenarios. For example, both often work on the trauma team at the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, and follow the same strict guidelines and protocols that are required of a hospital operating room. They understand how to provide results that take the esthetics of your face into account, as they want you to feel good about your appearance and enjoy a good quality of life following treatment.

Rebuilding Your Smile

The process starts with a detailed examination, in which we take detailed digital x-ray and CBCT images of your smile, so we can obtain 3D panoramic images of your head as a whole. This enables the team to plan the surgery in detail with precision and accuracy. To ensure the process is comfortable for you, we can administer a local anesthetic to the areas being treated, and also provide sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, with little to no memory of the procedure at all. We usually begin with dental implants to replace missing teeth, and to provide a smile to rebuild your facial and jaw structure around, ensuring optimal results.

If you have any questions about how we address facial injuries and lacerations, or about our approach to jaw surgery and dental implant placement, then contact our team today to eland more.

Schedule Your Treatment for Damaged Smiles in Santa Rosa, CA

We want to help you enjoy results that restore bite balance and oral function, but also improve smile beauty too. To learn more about treating lacerations and damage, then give us a call at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at (707)545-4625 today!