Your life with dental implants may prove to be quite an adventure. One moment, you are missing teeth in your smile. The next, you have what appears to be a smile full of real teeth but you are aware that they are prosthetics. As a result, though you will likely forget that they’re not your… Read more »
Category: Dental Implants
Dental Implants: Aren’t They Too Expensive?
Have you seen that some of your friends have chosen dental implants for themselves after experiencing tooth loss? Are you curious about how they afforded them and why so many people choose them over other possibilities, since you’ve always been under the impression that they are too expensive? We encourage you to think about costs… Read more »
Things To Avoid When Planning Implants
When you’re getting ready to visit us to discuss dental implants and get going as you approach a complete smile, there are some things you may feel tempted to do. However, when they’re not directly benefiting your smile (or if they could potentially cause some harm to your oral health) along the way, we think… Read more »
Why Choose Anything But A Single Crown And Implant?
When you learn all about your dental implant options for taking care of your tooth loss, you may find yourself asking a single question: “Why choose anything other than a single crown and an implant?” You know that this particular arrangement will replace your full tooth with as close of a replication of the missing… Read more »
“Snacks” To Avoid With Implants
There are some “snacks” you should avoid if you’re wearing dental implants. First, we put snacks in quotes because in some instances, what you’re munching away on might not exactly be something you’re taking in for caloric value (but more on that later). Next, you may think to yourself, “But I thought I could eat… Read more »
Receiving Dental Implants: Health Obstacles
You might be ready to go in regard to receiving dental implants but you know that your overall health comes into play. So, how do you figure out whether you’re healthy enough or not? How does this all work together to deem you either a good or not-so-good candidate for implants? There are a couple… Read more »
Get Smart About Implant Terminology
If you aren’t in a dentist or oral surgeon’s office regulary, you may not know the specialized language of dental implant terminology. Maybe you know your brother-in-law got some “things” that holds his denture firmly in place. Maybe you’ve heard your sister’s story about how her implant grew into her jawbone, and now her new… Read more »
Happy Holidays From Us To You!
We are so thrilled to provide you and your loved ones with the smile care and oral surgery you need. Our team hopes you have the lovelies of holidays and that you sit back, relax, and enjoy your time during this very merry season. Of course, your oral surgeon would also like to pass along… Read more »
Dental Implants And Coffee: Potential Downsides
You may have heard that coffee drinkers who drink several cups daily may be doing something beneficial for their smiles. All of those antioxidants may have the ability to help you avoid problems like oral cancer. However, as you may have also guessed, there’s more to this than meets the eye. You’ve always heard that… Read more »
Christmas Morning: Avoid Dental Implant Damage
The usual potential concerns apply when it comes to protecting your dental implants on Christmas morning! However, since things are quite unique on December 25th, there are some additional details to remain mindful of (which we are happy to share with you), so you don’t need to worry over your smile.