Category: Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery: FAQs

Do you suffer from problems with comfortable daily chewing or effective speaking? Patients whose jaws are misaligned may find relief when they discover the benefits of orthognathic surgery. Rather than struggling with your dental health, daily function, and beauty, you can often find the improvement you need and desire with jaw surgery. Curious about what… Read more »

All About Surgery Day: Your FAQs

The day of your oral surgery is a wonderful day. You are ready to embark on a journey that will improve your oral health, so you can enjoy daily comfort, function, and often a smile that looks just as wonderful as it feels. However, we understand if you’re feeling some last minute jitters before your… Read more »

Correcting Jaw Balance with Orthognathic Surgery

The significance of balance is paramount throughout many aspects of your dental health. If your teeth are not straight, then they can cause problems with your whole bite’s alignment, which in turn can lead to a host of subsequent issues, like tooth damage. If your jaw is out of alignment, then the consequences can be… Read more »