Oral surgery means the ability to address serious oral health issues, the kind that could mean complications that harm the stability of your smile. One such issue is an impacted tooth, which could lead to misalignment, infection, or even damaged teeth. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons explain how we bracket… Read more »
Category: Jaw Surgery
Will Bone Grafting And Sinus Lifts Restore Your Smile?
Losing mass and density in the jawbone, which often happens following tooth loss, could mean an aged appearance and major alterations to the function and beauty of the smile. Fortunately, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons know how to restore smiles with bone grafting and sinus lifts. In today’s blog, we’re talking about how… Read more »
How Ridge Augmentation Lays The Groundwork For Dental Implants
When you lose several of your teeth, this could mean complications for everything from speaking to eating. But in addition, the shape of your smile could change as you lose mass and density in the jawbone. The loss could prevent you from qualifying for dental implants. However, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons can help… Read more »
Should Jawbone Grafting Be Part of Your Treatment?
Most oral surgeries are designed to address a specific type of problem, and jawbone grafting is no exception. However, the specific reasons why you might need jawbone grafting, and whether the treatment might actually benefit your oral health, can depend on several unique factors of your oral health. Today, examine what jawbone grafting is designed… Read more »
Why Some People Need Jawbone Grafting
When it comes to personalized oral health care, there are many treatments that you’ll never need to undergo. However, some of the less commonly recommended oral health procedures are also those that, when recommended, can be the most essential measures for preserving and protecting your long-term oral health. For example, there are multiple conditions that… Read more »
When to Seriously Consider Jawbone Grafting
Most oral health concerns can have several different extenuating consequences on your oral tissues and structures the more they’re allowed to progress. For certain issues, such as periodontal disease, this progression can and the severity of its consequences lead to more complicated problems, like the loss of one or more teeth. In the process of… Read more »
3 Reasons the Health and Integrity of Your Jaw Matter
Your jawbone may not always be something you think of when you consider the state of your oral health. More noticeable things, like your teeth and gums, can often take center stage, especially when it comes to routine things like daily dental hygiene practices. However, the health and integrity of your jawbone structure play several… Read more »
When Correcting Your Jawbone Requires Surgery
The realm of oral surgery isn’t somewhere everyone needs to go in the course of their oral health care. Surgical treatments are typically reserved for extreme and/or complex oral health conditions that can’t be addressed with general dental care and restorative measures. When surgery with an expert is recommended, it’s typically to address a specific… Read more »
Should You Consider Jawbone Grafting Before Dental Implants?
When you’ve experienced tooth loss, rebuilding your smile and restoring your bite function can mean several different things. Most important is the replacement of your lost tooth or teeth. Without them, your bite can’t function properly, as the teeth that remain won’t be able to effectively absorb and distribute your bite’s pressure. However, rebuilding your… Read more »
A Few Problems Jaw Surgery May Solve
In addition to the more common oral health concerns that many people are used to dealing with, such as tooth decay and gum disease, there are also some conditions that require much more detailed care. For example, when you have an issue that impacts the health and integrity of an underlying oral structure, such as… Read more »