Category: Oral Surgery

When Does A Tooth Need To Be Extracted?

santa rosa tooth extraction

When a tooth is so damaged or compromised that it cannot be repaired, extraction could be the best choice to prevent major oral health complications. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will discuss how we complete a general extraction, and how we move forward with tooth replacement.

Am I A Candidate For Dental Implant Placement?

santa rosa implant candidates

Does just losing a tooth alone mean you’re ready for dental implant placement? Or do we look for other factors when considering candidacy? In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will experience who makes a good candidate for implant placement, and how we could prepare your smile to support long-lasting and lifelike… Read more »

How Do We Treat An Impacted Tooth?

santa rosa impacted teeth

When a tooth doesn’t erupt properly and is only partially visible, this is known as an impaction. The issue could affect kids and adults alike, and may even stand in the way of orthodontic treatment. However, to correct the issue, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons could offer a bracketing procedure or even discuss… Read more »

Digital Imaging Means Treatment With Precision

santa rosa cbct

We offer a number of treatments, from extraction and implant placement to sinus lifts and even treatment for facial trauma. To oversee these procedures and provide care with accuracy and precision, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons employ digital imaging technology. In today’s blog, we look at how we use the CBCT… Read more »

What Sedation Options Do We Offer?

santa rosa sedation options

Our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons help patients in Santa Rosa , CA, with everything from extraction to implant placement, and even jawbone grafting! However, we know that the thought of oral surgery could make people feel comfortable. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the sedation options we provide to ensure your comfort.

Ridge Augmentation Could Strengthen Your Jaw

santa rosa jawbone grafting

When you lose mass and density in the jawbone to tooth loss, this could alter your smile’s appearance and even your overall facial structure. Not to mention the complications for dental implant placement. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons explain how we rebuild smiles and strengthen them with ridge augmentation.

Repairing Your Facial Trauma

santa rosa facial trauma

Facial trauma refers to injuries sustained in an accident that damages your teeth, gums, oral structures, and jaw. These issues could be minor or severe, but either way treatment could improve facial esthetics and also you bite balance too. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons will discuss how we approach treating your… Read more »

How We Bracket An Impacted Tooth

santa rosa impacted teeth

When a tooth becomes impacted, which means it doesn’t erupt at all or only partially, this could lead to major problems with your smile. To avoid these complications, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons may be able to bracket them and pull them into place, instead of just removing them with a tooth extraction.

Planning Your Surgery With Advanced Technology

santa rosa cbct

Our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons offer a wide range of treatment options for smiles of ages. For example, we can address tooth loss with implant dentistry, prevent wisdom tooth impaction with an extraction, and treat facial trauma! To plan and implement this care with precision and accuracy, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral… Read more »

Bone Grafting And Prosthetic Treatment

Dental implants help patients who need prosthodontic work regain more than just their appearance. The added support of an implant will help you bite and chew with confidence, and ensure that your restoration stays in place permanently. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to go through treatment to receive implants. In some situations, a sinus lift… Read more »