We use oral surgery to aid in the treatment of your missing teeth, securing dental implants to offer an option that not only looks natural, but can last for years to come. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosas , CA, oral surgeons talk about how we plan and place dental implants, whether you have one lost tooth or need fixed dentures!
How We Bracket Your Impacted Teeth
An impacted tooth is one that only partially erupts, and could lead to serious issues with your smile. but our team can help address the concern with a unique procedure known as bracketing. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about bracketing an impacted tooth.
How Oral Surgery Rebuilds Your Smile
When you have lost a tooth, sustained facial trauma, or need jaw surgery, then you need to see a team of professional oral surgeons. Our team has the skills and expertise to rebuild your smile and correct these serious issues. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about rebuilding smiles with oral surgery.
When Tooth Extraction Can Save Your Smile
When a tooth threatens the stability and overall health of your smile, and cannot be treated with a restoration, then extraction may be the best way to protect your smile. Our team can conduct an extraction to address issues like wisdom teeth or severe damage. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about the tooth extraction process.
How Anesthesia Ensures A Comfortable Experience
Do you need a major oral health procedure, such as tooth eruption, implant placement, or grafting and sinus lifts? If you need jaw surgery and have anxiety about seeing the dentist, then talk to our team about possible calming options. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons discuss our anesthetic and sedation options, and how we choose the right selections for our patients.
The Process of All-on-4 Implant Dentures
If you have experienced the challenges and discomfort associated with traditional dentures, you may be eager to explore a more permanent dental solution. All-on-4 implant dentures offer a life-changing option for individuals who desire a confident smile and improved oral functionality. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons dive into the process of this system and discuss the numerous benefits associated with the All-on-4 implant denture.
Preventing Wisdom Teeth From Changing Your Smile
When you or a family member begin to approach your 20s, this could mean the risk of wisdom tooth eruption. This means up to four new molars in the rear of the mouth, causing major changes to your smile. To prevent these complications, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about extracting wisdom teeth.
How We Correct Tooth Loss With Implant Dentistry
When you suffer from tooth loss, this could mean major complications for your oral health in the years to come, including additional missing teeth and even a dramatically aged appearance due to loss of jawbone structure. But your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons can protect you from these complications with the placement of dental implants.
The Benefits Of Using Digital X-Rays
When we see patients for treatments, we want to take a close look at their smile and plan any treatment with precision. To do so, we offer more than just a visual exam or a traditional x-ray. Instead, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about use of digital x-ray technology.
What Kind Of Oral Surgery Do You Need?
Our team can provide oral surgery to address minor and even complex issues for patients of all ages, from kids to seniors and everyone in between. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons will look at several common procedures we provide to address the health, beauty, and function of your smile!