How Dental Implants Can Preserve Your Smile

3d render of jaw with dental implants and bridges over white backgroundTooth loss can negatively impact individuals in more ways than one. For example, having missing oral structures can open the path for harmful bacteria to infect the teeth and gums, it can result in the deterioration or erosion of the jaw structure as the lack of roots from the teeth are no longer present, and it can also affect your bite. Fortunately, the restorative option of dental implants can provide solutions to these issues and more. At Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in California, we make it our goal to assist you in finding the best method for you and your oral health.


Reasons Why Losing Teeth Is a Serious Concern

Tooth loss is often considered the worst-case scenario for a variety of different oral health concerns. Because of this, it’s important to address any oral health concern as soon as possible, before it can lead to significantly higher risks of tooth loss. Yet, the ways in which tooth loss can seriously impact your smile and oral health can be even more significant than you realize, and some of those impacts can take years before their extent becomes noticeable. Today, we examine a few reasons why losing teeth is a serious concern, and why it’s important to prevent it, or address it as soon as possible if it occurs. (more…)

Why Some Teeth Need to Be Surgically Extracted

While tooth extraction isn’t something that’s often recommended to address most dental issues, it’s typically a simple procedure whenever it is performed. Generally speaking, extracting a tooth means grasping its visible crown structure and gently loosening its root within its socket. Once it’s loose, the tooth can be carefully pulled out of the socket and removed from the dental ridge. However, there are some conditions that can complicate this process, making it impossible to successfully remove all of the tooth’s structure without first surgically exposing the part of the tooth that rests within your jawbone structure. (more…)

A Long-Term Look at Tooth Loss and Dental Implants

The consequences of losing one or more teeth can continue to impact your smile even long after you’ve already dealt with it. Most traditional tooth replacement options, including conventional dental bridges and dentures, are designed to address most of these consequences, such as the change to your smile’s appearance and the impact to your bite’s functionality. However, without any structures to replace lost teeth roots, these restorations can’t successfully address all of the consequences of tooth loss. Today, we examine what this could mean for your smile long-term, and how dental implants could improve the immediate and future state of your oral health. (more…)

Conditions that May Increase Your Risks of Tooth Loss

For most adults who experience tooth loss, it’s often the result of an underlying concern with the health and integrity of their oral tissues and structures. For example, a chronic case of gum disease (or periodontal disease) can lead to enough damage to your gums and dental ridge that tooth loss becomes inevitable. Or, a tooth might be damaged or decayed and grow progressively worse over time, until the tooth is lost or can no longer be saved. While not every case of tooth loss is the result of a preventable cause, many of them are. This means you have a good chance of identifying the conditions that could raise your risks of it, and improve your chances of preventing tooth loss from occurring. (more…)

Why Some People Need Jawbone Grafting

When it comes to personalized oral health care, there are many treatments that you’ll never need to undergo. However, some of the less commonly recommended oral health procedures are also those that, when recommended, can be the most essential measures for preserving and protecting your long-term oral health. For example, there are multiple conditions that might lead to the erosion of your jawbone structure, which serves as the foundation of your smile. If you experience one of these concerns, then you might require surgical jawbone grafting to address it and restore your smile’s healthy, strong foundation. (more…)

Common Dental Conditions that Can Lead to Oral Surgery

When patients require oral surgery to address a specific oral health concern, it’s often for a serious condition that their general dentists can’t successfully address in their offices. However, for many patients, their condition wasn’t always that serious, and oral surgery wasn’t always the necessary course of action. Today, we examine how a few common dental conditions can become serious enough to lead to oral surgery, and why it’s important to treat the condition as soon as possible. (more…)

The Difference that Dental Implants Make for Your Smile

These days, people have a several different options for rebuilding their smiles after they’ve experienced tooth loss. In most cases, the choice mainly comes down to how many teeth you’ve lost, which can determine whether you need a dental bridge, partial denture, or complete denture to replace them. However, for many patients, there’s another, more profound choice – whether to support their custom restoration on an appropriate number of dental implant posts. A dental implant-supported restoration is a dental crown, bridge, or denture that’s supported on one or more root-like posts. Though seemingly small, this key difference equates to multiple, significant advantages for your immediate and long-term oral health. (more…)

Why Preventing Tooth Loss Matters to Your Smile Long-Term

When patients experience tooth loss, the best thing they can do for their smiles is to replace their lost teeth as soon as possible. For example, with a custom-designed dental implant restoration, they can replace all of their lost tooth’s structure, including the root, to help restore their bite’s full functionality and preserve their smiles more effectively. However, for many people, the loss of a tooth is something that could be prevented, especially if it’s the result of a severe, chronic underlying concern (such as gum disease). Today, we explore why preventing tooth loss matters to your smile long-term, and how it can help you preserve more than you might expect. (more…)

The Common Problem People Have with Wisdom Teeth

When they’re healthy, most of your natural teeth shouldn’t cause you any problems. Keeping them consistently healthy can help you continue avoiding most of the issues that could threaten your smile. However, this isn’t always true in the case of wisdom teeth, or third molars. For many people who develop them, wisdom teeth can become highly problematic, and there is often no way to restore or fix them. When this occurs, the most frequent solution is to surgically remove the molars that have become impacted. (more…)