You may feel as though you are stressed about potentially coming in for oral surgery. However, we remind you: Our Santa Rosa, CA team can absolutely help you through that! We can explain every last detail of what to expect, talk you through the comfort level you can look forward to (which is quite high), and make you feel much better about the treatment itself. With that said, you may be placing so much emphasis on avoiding care that you are overlooking the fact that this is actually what’s causing you the most anxiety! How can repairing smile problems lead to a great decrease in day-to-day stress, you wonder? Why, it’s time to find out!
Extractions: An End Point Or A Fresh Start?
Depending on your perspective, a dental extraction can seem like the end of something (as you say goodbye to your tooth) or the very beginning of something (as you plan on rebuilding your smile with dental implants). So, which is it, you wonder? Should you feel bad about losing your tooth or good about removing tissue that’s damaged and that has the capacity to cause additional harm to your oral health? In short: Choosing to see our Santa Rosa, CA team to extract a tooth that needs to go should always be something you feel good about. As for the more philosophical side of your outlook, let’s work through the details!
Winter Break Plans? But Summer Isn’t Even Over!
Yes, we know, the last thing on your mind at the moment is winter break. You’re finally getting back into the swing of things, now that summer vacation is over, the kids are back in school, and the thought of winter break seems like a distant thing to consider. We get it. However, our Santa Rosa, CA team also knows how quickly those days fly by and how upsetting it is to wake up at the end of autumn, realizing that your child needs our care, that you need something, that there are thousands of other tasks to complete, and prioritizing feels impossible. Let us help you with this first, quick suggestion: Set up essential oral surgery today!
Considering Implants: Addressing Emotional Extremes!
While it doesn’t seem like much to think about at the beginning, as you find yourself deeper into the experience of considering dental implants, you may find that you deal with some extremes in emotion! You may at one moment feel elated and ready to sign up! At the next, however, you may find that you’re quite anxious. Since it never seems like a very good plan to make choices hastily or when you’re feeling too intense about something to one end of the spectrum or another, our Santa Rosa, CA team can help you figure out how to address such concerns!
What Makes Tooth Replacement With Implants So Stable?
It’s the one word you hear over and over that makes you feel more and more excited about dental implant support: Stable. You hear that there’s nothing quite as stable as implants. You know that if you go the traditional route for your tooth replacements, you may be looking at a complete smile that isn’t going to necessarily offer you the certainty that you want. However, as for what exactly makes choosing implants such a rock solid solution for your grin, leaving you with immovable teeth, and easy daily function, as well as confidence … well, it’s a bit of a mystery. Today, the mystery is solved, as you learn more with our Rohnert Park, CA team!
Implants: Why The Idea Of Replacing Multiple Teeth Alarms You
When it comes to replacing a single tooth with a dental implant and a crown, this may sound like a wonderful idea to you. Yes, it includes the surgical placement of an implant into your jaw tissue, a period of healing, some longer-term waiting, and then the final restoration of that implant. In the meantime, you figure, you’ll use your other teeth to chew and you’ll have a complete smile before you know it! However, when you’re considering replacing multiple teeth with implants, you may feel alarmed instead of relaxed. Of course, our Santa Rosa, CA team can understand why and we can also reassure you, so you can follow through with implants without worry!
Will Implants Make Me Happier?
Of course, it’s very easy to give into the temptation to assume something will make you happy if only you could attain it. If only you could have that beautiful car, that exceptional sweater, that new piece of technology! However, you may feel hesitant to ever assume you might feel more content from a material item because true happiness comes from within, right? Well, that’s true. However, when it comes to feeling more satisfied as a result of replacing missing teeth, we remind you that selecting dental implants is about quite a lot more than simply the dental work itself. It’s all about how it impacts your emotional well being, your daily quality of living, and more! So, our Santa Rosa, CA team encourages you to consider how additional happiness just might spring forth from selecting implants with us!
Implants: Why You Need Such Personalized Care
You may wonder why our Rohnert Park, CA team is always suggesting you take the time to come in for a consultation with us! Can’t you just give us a call over the phone, let us know you’d like dental implants, and then come in for a treatment? While this sounds reasonable, we remind you that any prosthetic you consider receiving is going to require personalization and, since implants require surgery, this makes specific planning very significant. To learn more about the why and how in terms of how customized care benefits you, explore the topic a bit further with us!
3 Signs It’s Definitely Time For A Dental Implant Consultation
Sometimes, you need a bit more than a tiny bit of motivation to simply pick up the phone, call our Santa Rosa, CA team, and let us know you’re ready to come in for a dental implant consultation, during which you will learn a whole heap of information about replacing your missing teeth! The truth is, you may want to come in but you may not have found that spark, the momentum, or the certainty you require to follow through. If you feel this describes you, then we encourage you to consider some signs that will remind you: It really is time to come on in!
I Still Have My Wisdom Teeth! Now What?
If you still have your wisdom teeth, whether you’re a young adult or well into adulthood, you may feel as though you must have missed the boat. You look around you and see that many individuals have their third molars removed the moment these teeth arrive, so you’re not sure if you should be doing something … or not doing anything in terms of these molars at all! As you might have imagined, the answer is easily received when you come in to visit with our Santa Rosa, CA team to find out exactly how your teeth are doing. As for whether you’re going to need wisdom teeth removal or nothing at all, we can offer you some introductory highlights for enhanced clarity.