Protecting Your Smile And Implants: Reasons To Call Us Right Away 

If you realize that there’s something you need to remember to ask us during your next visit with us, then we encourage you to jot it down in your phone or somewhere safe, so you’ll remember to bring it up. However, if you realize there’s something you need help with right now, this isn’t a dental implant issue to put on the back burner until a future date. With that said, you may sometimes feel a little unsure about distinguishing between pressing matters and those that can wait. To help you gain the clarity you require, our Rohnert Park, CA team offers some examples of instances in which you should contact us right away.


Avoid These Oral Health Issues By Choosing Implants

When you’re looking at the most obvious, immediate, and direct result of choosing dental implants, you know that you’re going to be saying goodbye your incomplete smile, as you usher in a new era for yourself: A complete grin! With that said, our Santa Rosa, CA team reminds you that in addition to freeing yourself from many of the frustrations that come with tooth loss, there’s a long list of oral health problems you’ll get to sidestep, too! If you’re not already familiar with them, why not compile an even greater collection of benefits you can look forward to, once you receive your implants and restorations? Here we go!


The “Why” Factor Behind Your Oral Surgery Hesitation

One moment, you feel so relieved to find out that there’s a way to make things better for your smile. It’s called oral surgery and if you schedule it for yourself, you’re looking forward to reaching some serious oral health goals that will put a healthy grin back on your face! However, then the reality hits: You feel sort of hesitant about calling our Rohnert Park, CA team up to schedule a procedure. Actually, you feel pretty hesitant just to contact us to set up an initial consultation! It’s okay. There’s certainly a good reason you feel this way and we’re here to help!


Acclimating To Dental Implants: Normal? Or Not?

How are you supposed to feel once you have your dental implants in place, restored, and you’re essentially done? Should your complete smile feel exactly like it used to? What if it doesn’t line up exactly with your expectations? Furthermore, what if you feel like something is wrong instead of right, even if you cannot quite put your finger on it? Since a complete smile with implants is now your new “normal” you have probably realized that you aren’t really sure about what’s normal and what isn’t anymore. Not to worry! You’ll find your footing very quickly and our Santa Rosa, CA team will help you get there.


Implants: What To Do (And Not Do) When Something Feels Wrong

Does something feel wrong with your smile and you just have the sense that it’s related to your dental implants? When this is the case, there are some things you should do right away (and then some thing you should definitely not do). Are you sure about the best approach, when you’re in this situation? Take a moment with our Rohnert Park, CA team as we guide you through the do’s and don’ts of handling your smile concerns when something doesn’t feel right but you’re not entirely sure about the cause of the problem! (Hint: Coming in to see us is usually the right answer).


Oral Surgery Visits: Things You Will Definitely Gather

When you come in to see us for an oral surgery visit, you may wonder if you’re going to learn everything you need to learn and head home feeling satisfied. Part of you thinks that since this is a more advanced area of care, you may end up feeling overwhelmed or heading home without all of the details you need! Good news. We already recognize that this is a concern and, as we would like you to feel fantastic about your experience with our Santa Rosa, CA oral and maxillofacial surgery practice, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about the stuff we’ve already prepped for you, so you’ll quickly realize we prefer sending our patients off with what they need.


Let’s Talk About: What Does A Dental Post Do?

You have heard us talk about dental posts before. It’s another way of describing your dental implant. However, when we say post, it’s much easier for patients to remember that we’re talking strictly about that part of the tooth replacement and not the entire thing (the post, abutment, and restoration). With that said, you may find yourself wondering about this strategically placed bit of titanium that lets you go from a missing tooth to a fully replaced tooth (from root to crown). Curious about what it actually does and more? Our Rohnert Park, CA is pleased to break down the details.


Winter In July: Start Those Implants Today! 

Have you been noticing those holiday and wintertime specials going on now, in the midst of summer? Why not hop on the “winter in July” train by personalizing it in a way that makes sure your smile is ready for the holiday season? After all, what better present could you possibly select now and enjoy by the time the winter holidays arrive than dental implants for your missing teeth? In addition to simply being relieved and overjoyed at your complete grin and improved oral health, you’ll also be thrilled to feel ready, beautiful, and able to completely participate in the festivities that the merriest of seasons has to offer. Learn more from our Rohnert Park, CA team about getting started now (and why)!


Back To School: What’s On Your Oral Surgery List?

Are you getting your stuff together to head back to school? Perhaps you’re a student or a teacher! How about your children? Are they about to get ready for an exciting, brand new year in the classroom? In whatever way back to school time is impacting your life, our Santa Rosa, CA team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons reminds you that we are here for your smile care needs! Since this may not be the first thing on your to-do list (but it’s definitely something you know you need to address sooner than later), we offer you a handful of reminders to consider, so you can get your smile in good shape with oral surgery before the bell rings!


Why Third Molars Often Become Problems

What many people most commonly know as wisdom teeth are actually their third set of molars – the permanent teeth that develop and erupt at the ends of your dental ridges. Following the development of your second set of permanent molars, wisdom teeth usually begin to erupt by the age of 18. For many people, this signals the start of potentially serious wisdom tooth trouble, such as the impaction of the molars within the jawbone before they have a chance to erupt. At our Rohnert Park, CA, office, we can carefully remove impacted wisdom teeth through conservative oral surgery, helping you eliminate the source of your problems and restore your good oral health. (more…)