Holiday Time 2018: What’s Left To Do?

Yes, there’s a lot left to do. In fact, you’re probably too busy thinking about Halloween at the moment to even dare think about the winter holidays and all of the prepping and planning that will need to be done! So, before you find yourself under piles of plans, wrapping paper, and important dates and parties to attend, we’d like to take advantage of your clear focus as we offer up some suggestions for your oral health! Don’t forget: For many, winter is a time of the year that offers some days off from usual responsibilities, which just might give you the time you need to set aside for important oral surgery details. Find out more about what you should consider scheduling with our Rohnert Park, CA team!


There Are So Many Dental Implant Options: Help, Please!

Yes, we know: When you first learn about dental implants, the information is straightforward. You find out that an implant is a post that acts as a root replacement and it can support a restoration. Phew! Easy. Then, of course, you find out that there are so many different types of restorations and configurations and before you know it, your head is spinning! Do you want implants and crowns, you wonder? An implant-supported denture? How about a fixed hybrid denture? We get it. You know you want implants but as for personalizing and defining your care plan, well, you could use some direction. Don’t wait a second longer! Our Santa Rosa, CA team is going to guide you toward the sources of information you need.


3 Things To Admit To Your Oral Surgeon Sooner Than Later

There are things you might not be telling your oral surgeon that you should. Details you should bring up right away, rather than waiting. Remember that keeping the lines of communication open is extremely important! What we don’t want is for you to think you don’t have anyone to speak with about your smile, your concerns, and more. Sometimes, you just need a little bit more knowledge to feel amazing and truly relaxed about providing your smile with the care that it needs for complete health. So, let our Rohnert Park, CA team give you some ideas to think through. You’ll quickly realize that if you have a question, the time to call is right now!


Our Team: Offering More Than Dental Implants!

Yes, of course, our Santa Rosa, CA team offers you the opportunity to receive dental implants. This means coming in for the placement of implants, receiving your restorations, and anything else required along the way! While you may already be well aware of this, you might not recognize that our oral surgeons offer so much more. We invite you to consider the comprehensive nature of our services, so you recognize you can come in for the complete care you might require of an oral surgery practice.


When You Choose Implants: 3 Ways You’re “Saving”

You might hear over and over that dental implants are extremely beneficial, that they’re very cost-effective even though they seem to require a large investment, and that they can really last. As a result, you begin to cultivate an idea about them that makes it seem as though they help save you time, save you money, and save your smile! Is this really true, you ask yourself? Or, are you just getting a bit carried away because implants sound extremely attractive? Our Santa Rosa, CA team reassures you that you actually are “saving” in many ways when you select implants and it’s certainly worth it. Learn more.


Examples Of How Following Our Instructions Can Make Things Easy!

You might feel like you’re all over the place when it comes to your oral surgery needs. Maybe you aren’t sure which type of tooth replacement to choose. Maybe you know just the type of care you need but you’re feeling a little uncertain about following through and how to best prepare. As a general rule of thumb, our Santa Rosa, CA team reminds you that we will offer ample instructions whether in regard to which treatment best suits your needs or how to prep for (or recover from) surgery! Consider our examples, so you remember that when you’re under our care, we are always here to guide you for an easy and enjoyable experience.


Have Questions About Wisdom Teeth?

Most people recognize the term, wisdom teeth, and the fact that they’re often the source of a wide variety of dental health concerns. However, for many patients in Santa Rosa, CA, that only raises more questions. For instance, if they’re so problematic, then why do we grow them, and what makes them so problematic in the first place? Today, we answer a few of those questions to help you better understand the problem of wisdom teeth and what you should do if yours become an issue. (more…)

Implants And The Timing Of Your Tooth Loss!

You might like the idea of dental implants. That doesn’t mean you assume that you are necessarily a candidate. In fact, something that seems very simply but that ends up feeling quite tricky in relation to seeing us about implants is often the timing of your tooth loss. We frequently find out that patients figured they weren’t missing their tooth long enough or that it had been too long, etc. Let’s talk this topic over with you, so you can hear from our Rohnert Park, CA team about one important detail: You can come to us at any time! As for digging a bit deeper into the specifics, we’re ready when you are!


Implants: Three Types Of Costs To Think About

When you’re doing anything to improve your smile and oral health, particularly when you get into specialized fields of care like oral surgery, one of the things you focus some of your energy on is cost. This can help you determine worth, perceive the value of something you’re considering, determine whether it’s a possibility (or not), and more. Of course, when the particular in your case is making a decision about dental implants, it can become easy to have a bit of trouble making that final choice. To help you a bit, our Santa Rosa, CA team thinks you may want to consider three types of costs and how to weigh them out (with our help).


Implants: Don’t Count Yourself Out Just Because…

There may be lots of reasons you have already counted yourself out when it comes to dental implants as your choice for missing teeth replacements. However, before you cement this decision, our Santa Rosa, CA team thinks you might want to reflect on some reasons you should actually still keep yourself in the running for implant-supported restorations. You might figure that for some reason, implants just “aren’t for you.” However, with just a little bit of new knowledge, you might discover that they’re actually just what you need!
