Wisdom Teeth: What’s Normal And What’s Not?

When you’re learning about your own wisdom teeth, there are many things you’ll realize you’re not sure about. Primarily, you may begin viewing your third molars through a lens that begs the question: What’s normal and what’s not? Are you having an experience that is common to many people, you wonder? Do lots of people have wisdom teeth removal? Receiving responses to such questions quickly helps you realize that the things you’re experiencing are likely quite common (and we can certainly help with whatever you’re going through!).


Dental Sedation: Let Us Tell You Every Last Detail!

Though you may have a lot of ideas about dental sedation, you may not have a solid idea regarding what it really means or what is involved. As a result, it might become something you think of as a huge deal, you may wonder if you’ll always need it, and you’ll probably start to notice you have a few more questions than you thought you did. This is all A-OK. Ask us. Tell us what you’re thinking. Learn more. You’ll be glad you did.


Are You A Visual Learner? Tell Your Oral Surgeon.

If you find that after a brief or long, detailed or vague conversation regarding your smile care, you still end up walking away with just a little information stored in your brain because you’re a much more visual learner, this is something to tell your oral surgeon. Why do we suggest this, you wonder? Aren’t we just going to sit and talk with you anyway, hoping that you’ll retain the details you need? Not necessarily!


What Else Do Your Kids Need These Summer Months?

We will be offering you lots of reminders this summer in regard to your kids and their oral health needs. Maybe your child needs wisdom teeth removal! Summer, of course, is a wonderful time to schedule it. If you keep up with us, then you’ve likely already heard this! However, we would very much like to add that there may be some other good reasons to schedule oral surgery or a consultation for your child during this long, luxurious break from school!


Wisdom Teeth And Your Soon-To-Be College Kid

Who’s going to college this fall? Could it be … your child?! If so, we must ask: How are your son or daughter’s wisdom teeth at the moment? Have you been dragging your feet ever so slightly on addressing teeth that you’ve been told should be removed and here you are, looking at the fact that your child is about to head off to a university? If so, now really might be the time to take care of this concern. Let us offer some additional insight about wisdom teeth removal.


Remember: We Offer So Many Solutions

Since you’re not someone who studies implants and spends your days researching the companies who provide biocompatible prosthetics to the dental field, you may assume an implant is an implant is an implant. Certainly there’s not much in the way of variety when you’re finding out more if you need to replace a tooth (or multiple teeth). Right? The truth is, there’s so much diversity within this one area of care that you will be shocked when you discuss your options! Today, let’s talk a bit about Nobel dental implants.


Implants: Reviewing Common Candidacy Concerns

Whether you’ve already talked a little bit with us about candidacy for dental implants or if you don’t know a thing about it, the details are always worth reviewing! In addition, they might be something that you find a bit hard to grasp because in general, there’s some pathway that will lead you to candidacy. As a result, it’s usually all about figuring out how to get there and less frequently a final decision. A quick stroll through the specifics will offer you the reminders you need!


Fixed Implant Dentures: 2 Things You’ve Just Got To Know!

You hear about all sorts of options when it comes to considering implants as you look for ways to replace missing teeth. For edentulous patients (who are missing a full arch or two of teeth), one solution is choosing fixed implant dentures, rather than single implants and crowns to replace each and every tooth. When you have a better understanding of what this type of prosthetic means to you, it becomes much simpler to begin differentiating between your multiple choices, each of which carries unique benefits.


Hints From Your Oral Surgeon

If you haven’t been the recipient of oral surgery before, then entering this new area of care of your oral tissues may be something of a surprising journey for you! Some may feel excited and ready to go, while others feel a bit more standoffish and curious about what to expect. This is completely normal. Regardless of how you’re feeling or what type of care you need, we are happy to offer hints from your oral surgeon that will assist you in fully grasping what type of experience you may expect and what to do about any uncertainty you may be carrying with you at the moment.


The Lineup: Your Options With Dental Implants

You may have heard that implants are very versatile because they work for just about anything when it comes to missing teeth. When this news reaches you, it brings excitement and some relief, of course. What you still need to become aware of, however, is what this really means. For an easy way to take in some organized information about your dental implant options, we offer you a quick run through of the basic lineup of questions and answers! 
