When you’re thinking that you may require oral surgery for yourself in order to achieve a healthier smile, a complete smile, etc., there are a lot of stumbling blocks that may initially come your way. Namely, you might find that you start to consider a lot of thoughts, such as whether you really require surgery, if perhaps you should just learn to accept your tooth loss, if you’re financially ready, if we offer what you need, and more. The good news is that there’s a way to sidestep becoming engulfed in uncertainty. Follow three very simple steps!
Beneficial Questions You Would Like Answered About Oral Surgery
When you spend time thinking about coming in to see your oral surgeon to care for your smile, there are oh so many details that might pop into your mind. You may wonder suddenly why you’re seeing us and not your general dentist. You may wonder what this type of surgeon actually does and what you can expect. Not to worry! We receive these questions all the time, the answers of which are beneficial for every patient!
Dental Implants: Challenge Or Deal Breaker?
When you know in your heart of hearts that you are ready for dental implants … but you think you may not be a good candidate for them … it’s a very good idea to talk this over with us. You may find that obstacles you assume are deal breakers may simply be challenges we can help you overcome. As a result, you will discover you may actually be on the road toward receiving the implants you are so excited to incorporate into your smile. The only way you’ll know for certain is if you ask.
Wisdom Teeth: Bring Your Teen In Today!
You may think to yourself that this summer will be a good time for your child’s wisdom teeth removal. We couldn’t agree more! When classes are out and your teen or young adult has some free time, this makes scheduling a visit and recovery so simple. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should wait until summer to start getting your ducks in a row, so to speak. Instead, schedule a consultation for your son or daughter soon! Why? Well, we are happy to elaborate.
Wisdom Teeth: Reasons You May Want To Talk With Us
You may know about the obvious reasons to come in to talk with us about your wisdom teeth. Maybe you are in pain and you have an inkling that it may be your third molars. Perhaps you’re just following upon a previous conversation or you are aware from seeing X-rays that these teeth likely need removal. However, there are additional reasons you may feel compelled to come in but you may not know if they’re good enough reasons to do so. Let’s examine some not-so-common times you may need to set up an appointment.
Your Oral Surgeon Talks: Tooth Loss And Headaches
When you’re experiencing tooth loss, you feel that you are already dealing with enough! However, you may discover that whether or not you have replaced your missing teeth, headaches accompany this concern. Why is this happening, you wonder? What to do about it? Your oral surgeon can explain, so you better understand what’s going on and how we can help you resolve the issue.
Life With Dental Implants: 2 Times To Stay Calm
Your life with dental implants may prove to be quite an adventure. One moment, you are missing teeth in your smile. The next, you have what appears to be a smile full of real teeth but you are aware that they are prosthetics. As a result, though you will likely forget that they’re not your natural teeth and will soon begin thinking of them as such, the process may include some new sensations, the occasional uncertainty, etc. Of course, we strongly encourage you to remain nice and calm should something happen that’s out of the ordinary! Consider two example, so you see what we mean.
Dental Implants: Aren’t They Too Expensive?
Have you seen that some of your friends have chosen dental implants for themselves after experiencing tooth loss? Are you curious about how they afforded them and why so many people choose them over other possibilities, since you’ve always been under the impression that they are too expensive? We encourage you to think about costs in multiple ways (and to speak with us soon) before you assume this is a fact!
Things To Avoid When Planning Implants
When you’re getting ready to visit us to discuss dental implants and get going as you approach a complete smile, there are some things you may feel tempted to do. However, when they’re not directly benefiting your smile (or if they could potentially cause some harm to your oral health) along the way, we think it may be best if you avoid them! Don’t have any major plans just yet but you would certainly like to ensure you’re on track for a soon-to-be full smile again? Consider a few hazards you can very easily skip.
Why Choose Anything But A Single Crown And Implant?
When you learn all about your dental implant options for taking care of your tooth loss, you may find yourself asking a single question: “Why choose anything other than a single crown and an implant?” You know that this particular arrangement will replace your full tooth with as close of a replication of the missing tissue as is possible. You also recognize that we may support a dental bridge, partial denture, or full denture with implants. So, who might choose the latter of these categories? Let’s examine some major factors you may not have considered just yet.