“Snacks” To Avoid With Implants

There are some “snacks” you should avoid if you’re wearing dental implants. First, we put snacks in quotes because in some instances, what you’re munching away on might not exactly be something you’re taking in for caloric value (but more on that later). Next, you may think to yourself, “But I thought I could eat anything with implants that I can eat with natural teeth!” True but here’s the rub: Patients often eat certain snacks with their natural smiles that they really shouldn’t! Think through some ideas and you will see a clearer picture regarding the good and the not-so-good.


Things To Consider About Your Wisdom Teeth

To remove your wisdom teeth or not? It’s a common question we receive and one that happens to come with a complex response. For information regarding your smile and needs, you will (of course) need to take some time to sit down with us, so we may examine your smile! As for the general “should they go or not” details associated with wisdom teeth removal, let’s get you started with some preliminary information.


Receiving Dental Implants: Health Obstacles

You might be ready to go in regard to receiving dental implants but you know that your overall health comes into play. So, how do you figure out whether you’re healthy enough or not? How does this all work together to deem you either a good or not-so-good candidate for implants? There are a couple factors contributing to the final determination. Let’s talk about the main concerns, so you come to better understand potential obstacles and the likelihood of qualifying.


Some Safety Questions: About Sedation

Do you have safety questions about dental sedation? If so, even though you love the potential benefits that it has to offer you (or your family member), it’s very possible you still feel on edge! Now, not only are you experiencing some dental anxiety but you are also very concerned about whether receiving sedation is a wise choice! First, rest assured you are not the first person to feel this way. Next, realize you can relax! We practice all areas of our care by adhering to a very thoughtful and careful code! Become familiar with the details and you’ll feel much better about everything.


What Would My Oral Surgeon Say?

Perhaps you heard what your oral surgeon told you regarding a particular treatment, office information, or otherwise but you cannot quite seem to remember. Or, maybe you haven’t seen us just yet but you would like to ask the important questions, the answers to which you won’t find anywhere else. How to access the things your surgeon would tell you without actually calling or coming in, you wonder? Fortunately, we provide you with a comprehensive patient information page online. Check out the details!


Treat Problems Rather Than Mask Them!

Have you ever heard someone mention “masking the symptoms” when it comes to an illness or oral health problem? Are you aware of the difference between making symptoms, so they temporarily go away, versus treating the source of the problem, so it permanently goes away? This can become confusing, can make it challenging to make choices for yourself, and can even lead to complications! Become more familiar regarding this discrepancy, so you may more easily protect your smile and your entire system!


How Do I Know: Which Type Of Bone Grafting Do I Need?

When you know that your jaw is not prepared for dental implants or you are simply in need of care for damage, you are likely overjoyed to learn that bone grafting can help. You also know that this is a way of repairing the damage, so you have jaw tissue that is full, strong, and healthy once more. What you may be confused about, though, is how to figure out what type of grafting you need. Let’s head through some basic details, so you begin to see the future of your experience much more clearly.


Getting The Comfortable Help You Deserve

How do you feel about coming in to see our oral surgeon team? How do you feel about treatments that you need? Do you notice that even when you feel comfortable on an intellectual level about our team, what your smile needs, and your oral care path, you still have a serious amount of hesitation? Not to worry: Your nervous system might hop into overdrive when exposed to certain stimuli. If dental care happens to be a catalyst, an otherwise easy visit can turn into something that causes you to feel uneasy or down right scared. We get it. We also go above and beyond to offer you help becoming completely comfortable with the assistance of dental sedation.


Quiz: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Wisdom Teeth

You may want to pretend like your wisdom teeth do not exist so you don’t have to deal with them. Unfortunately, if what you need is wisdom teeth removal but you’re doing everything you can to avoid the situation, you may be promoting a much more complex and inconvenient experience down the line. Why pay attention now and consider extractions if you require them? Use our quiz to answer basic questions.


3 Good Things To Ask Your Oral Surgeon

You might be filled to the brim with questions for your oral surgeon. However, that doesn’t mean we will hear a peep from you during your next visit (even though we would much prefer that you ask your questions). So, how to help you feel much more confident about asking all about whatever is on your mind? To get started, we have some suggestions regarding a few questions to ask. You will find that likely anything you’re curious about is fair game!
