Prepare Your Dental Implants For Turkey Day

Is this your first Thanksgiving with dental implants? Perhaps you’re discovering that you’re both excited and a little unsure about what to expect. Your best bet is to remember why you chose implants: They are there to serve you well with incredible stability, so you can enjoy your meal, and to restore your smile. You can expect to feel relaxed as you eat, converse, and smile with those you care about … what a relief! As for the details regarding keeping your smile clean and making wise food choices, we’ve got the information you need.

Bring Floss

The easiest way to make sure you feel relaxed about your newly complete smile with dental implants is to bring some floss along. (Hint: We suggest this for patients without tooth replacements, as well! It’s a very helpful tip). Whether you choose to gravitate toward the turkey, stuffing, or otherwise, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up with a bit of food lodged between your teeth. Keeping floss on hand will ensure you can achieve a clean, comfortable smile after your Thanksgiving meal. (Feel free to bring a brush along, as well, for a full dental hygiene session).

Think Of Your Implants As Natural Teeth

Remember during your Thanksgiving experience that you can think of your dental implants and restorations as your natural teeth. We say this both to help you have a good time and to remind you that implants are very strong yet not invincible. Consider the following:

  • Don’t shy away from foods that have been off limits for a while. Enjoy the turkey, potatoes, stuffing, green beans, rolls, and more! Your smile will do just fine.
  • Don’t assume your implants are stronger than your natural teeth. If someone offers you a nut or you eye some yummy looking brittle (but you know your natural teeth could never break them down), avoid them to prevent accidental damage.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Q&A: Dental Implant Removal

Patients are often curious about dental implant removal, which can evoke a long list of questions. For instance, can you have an implant removed after placement, you may wonder? What’s the process like and why might the removal of an otherwise “forever” tooth replacement become necessary? We have some answers to help you understand this complex topic.

Questions and Answers: Implants

Question: How permanent are dental implants? If I decide I want implants but later change my mind, is this something you can easily remove so that I can choose another option?

Answer: Implants are quite permanent because of the solid bond that forms between the post and the surrounding jaw tissue. As a result, we cannot simply pluck implants from their location because your jaw and implant essentially turn into one entity.

Question: What does it take to remove dental implants?

Answer: This is a complex process that may require the use of advanced surgical treatment. In general, because the titanium post has fused with your jawbone tissue, it will require a thoughtful strategy and the removal of both your implant and some of your bone tissue. Removal is generally not an elective procedure.

Question: Why might you need to remove my dental implants?

Answer: We may need to remove implants if you have received them from another practice and they were placed poorly (which can lead to oral health complications and implant failure). Or, if you experience issues like periodontal disease that leads to implant failure, the removal of implants becomes necessary.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Protect Your Implants With Safe Flossing

After your smile is restored with dental implants, you may discover that flossing your smile is a bit different than it used to be. You continue flossing your natural teeth the way you always have but getting down around your implant brings with it the need for a new technique. When this moment presents itself, you have two options: Choose not to floss around your implants and promote problems with your oral health or become familiar with the best practices for safe, effective flossing to keep your smile healthy. (Hint: We have some very helpful advice!).

Why This Is So Important

If you have received dental implants, you have already heard all about peri-implantitis. Much like gingivitis, it’s the inflammation of your gum tissue, which can lead to infection and disease of your periodontal tissues. The result? It can cause you to lose your implant. To avoid this problem, you need not only to brush consistently and to remain committed to professional visits for cleanings and checkups. Flossing is also extremely important for keeping bacteria and debris away from your gum tissue.

Things You Should Know

You should know that it’s going to become extremely easy to floss your smile, even around your dental implants. Once you get the hang of any minor changes, it will feel completely natural and you will begin flossing on “autopilot” again. As for helpful tips, consider the following:

  • Talk with us. If you are having trouble or don’t remember what to do, we will explain and demonstrate.
  • Don’t re-use floss. This means don’t wash floss off and use it again. It also means, don’t use the same segment of floss around your implant that you just used between two teeth.
  • Remember to floss between teeth as well as beneath your dental crown, moving the floss back and forth to ensure successful cleaning.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Halloween Quiz: Can You Keep Your Smile Safe?

Are you ready to protect your oral health from the scary, the spooky, and the truly frightening? While Halloween can certainly bring with it some dangers, it’s also a time to have fun and enjoy yourself with friends and family! Rather than allow yourself to feel conflicted about taking part in the celebration, we’d much prefer you feel prepared to indulge through an educated approach. Let’s cover the basics, so you can keep your teeth, your jaws, and even your dental implants safe.

Watch For Red Flags

There are those items you simply know to avoid because they can cause damage to your natural teeth, to your dental implants, and to your smile in general. When food appears to require a sledgehammer to break it apart, your teeth should not be required to complete the task. When candy is extraordinarily sticky, it could literally dislodge a dental crown. The best option? Turn a blind eye to these options and look for delightful treats that will leave your mouth in one piece.

Add Sugarless Gum Into The Mix

We certainly wouldn’t think of suggesting you avoid candy on this festive night. However, we do have a suggestion that is safe for natural smiles, dental implants, and everything in between. Try out sugarless chewing gum either if you’re looking for a way to indulge your sweet tooth without sugar or if you just ate candy but you don’t have your brush and toothpaste handy. Chewing on gum that does not contain sugar for several minutes after you eat your candy or snack (around 20 minutes is optimal) will provide some serious protection against the negative consequences of sugar on your oral health. It will also help keep your breath fresh and is safe to chew!


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Tips: Buying Care Products For Dental Implants

Is there something about purchasing products that you’ll use to care for your dental implants that causes you some stress? Do you occasionally find that even purchasing a new toothbrush can leave you wondering if you’re making a great choice or a horrible choice? Rather than allow this simple experience to become a complicated one, we encourage you to take some tips to heart.

Tip #1: Have A Conversation With Us

Talk with us about caring for your dental implants. There’s no need to be shy about caring for your smile, whether you have questions that seem complex or advanced or if you’re simply unsure about the type of toothbrush, dental floss, or toothpaste to buy. We are always here to take your call and to help protect your smile.

Tip #2: Look For The ADA Seal of Acceptance

When you know the product you’re looking for but you’re torn between multiple options (or you’re worried that what you’ve found isn’t something you can trust), you have a safety net! Look over the entire package. If you can locate the ADA Seal of Acceptance, you can purchase it without concern. It’s been tested to ensure it will work.

Tip #3: Stick With the Basics

If a product claims it goes above and beyond the usual, offering a way for you to sidestep the dental hygiene guidelines we suggest for you and your dental implants, remain wary. There’s no way around brushing your smile and flossing it. Yes, you may consider different types of products like an electric toothbrush or a water flosser. However, there’s no magic product that will take the place of the basic necessities.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

3 Ways An Electric Toothbrush Can Benefit Implant Wearers

Do you ever take a look at the electric toothbrushes on the market, wondering if they would make a good choice for you and your dental implants? If so, you may be happy to hear that the answer is most often a big, “Yes!” If you have other concerns or questions, we certainly always suggest you run them by us. As for understanding what makes this dental hygiene selection a wise decision for your smile, we offer a few ways it might benefit you!

#1: It’s Great For Healthy Gums

Protecting your gums if you wear dental implants is quite important for your overall oral health and for preventing implant failure. Fortunately, turning to an electric toothbrush can offer immense gum protection, both by keeping your smile clean and preventing peri-implantitis and by preventing you from brushing too hard and encouraging gum recession.

#2: It Will Help You Worry Less

Did you know that when you turn on that electric toothbrush, it’s providing you with the plaque-cleaning strength of thousands of strokes every 60 seconds? Indeed, this may help you worry less about keeping your dental implants and natural teeth clean if it’s something that weighs on your mind. Though you can achieve effective care with a manual brush, as well, getting more out of your 2-minute brush sessions can certainly offer oral health benefits, while keeping you from worrying.

#3: It’s Just Easier

As you may have guessed, the electric toothbrush isn’t going to require quite as much of your physical movements as a manual brush. Instead, because the brush vibrates, the bristles will do their thing, moving back and forth to remove plaque. Your job in this scenario will be to act as the guide. If you’re looking for a way to make your dental hygiene sessions less strenuous, this is certainly a wonderful option.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Bone Grafting Q&A: Am I Ready?

If you are an individual who is hoping to improve your candidacy for dental implants, you may first require bone grafting. This is something that occurs when a patient’s jawbone is deficient in some way, such as in width or volume. As a result, the jaw is not immediately prepared to support the placement of implants. However, after building up the tissue with grafts, the jaw may qualify! What you may be wondering about at the moment, however, is whether you currently qualify for the grafting treatment. Allow us to help with your questions.

Questions and Answers

Question: I’ve been told that my jawbone has deteriorated but I do not know the first thing about whether I need bone grafting or where to begin. What is the first thing I should do to get started?

Answer: We recommend that patients begin by scheduling a consultation with our practice. Meeting you face-to-face, collecting records of your oral health, learning about your plans to address your tooth loss, and becoming familiar with your current oral health is the best first step toward completing your smile.

Question: How will you know if I qualify for bone grafting?

Answer: As soon as we become familiar with your oral health history and your medical history, we can begin deciding whether grafting is right for you. Determining if you are a patient who is healthy enough to undergo a surgical procedure is the first box we need to check off. We will also need to examine you and rely on digital imaging to make sure grafting (not another type of treatment) is what you need to improve your jaw health.

Question: Is this a universal treatment that is the same for all patients?

Answer: No! As unique as your smile is, it requires personalized care. We will speak with you at length about your options (such as for the type of tissue you will receive) for care tailored to your smile.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month With Us

Are you aware that October is none other than National Dental Hygiene Month? Along with every other dental professional, we enjoy recognizing this month because it puts into perspective how easy it can be to keep your smile healthy (while avoiding serious problems). Interested in finding a way to avoid future tooth loss? Hoping to protect the tooth replacements you already have, such as a smile with dental implants? Your dental hygiene goes a long way in keeping your smile in exceptional condition. Let us explain more, so you feel good about your usual efforts.

About Dental Hygiene

Your hygiene includes everything you do on an independent basis to keep your oral health in good shape. This can mean brushing and flossing your natural teeth, making special efforts to floss around your dental implants, choosing to avoid certain foods and drinks that can promote decay, and remaining very consistent with these efforts. If you remain organized and committed, you can avoid a long list of complications that arise from plaque accumulation (like decay, infection, tooth loss, and more).

How To Spruce Up Your Habits

Interested in taking National Dental Hygiene Month seriously and getting real about your dental hygiene habits? Protect your teeth, gums, dental implants, and more by following our simple yet extraordinarily effective recommendations for a smile that remains healthy and complete:

  • Ask us questions if you feel uncertain regarding your dental hygiene approach
  • Remember that everyone should brush twice daily (in the morning and evening)
  • Keep in mind that skipping your flossing session can be quite dangerous for your oral health … always floss once a day for a healthy smile


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Tooth Loss: 2 Reminders You’re Not Alone

Are you thinking it’s time to do something about your tooth loss but you just feel like you want to hide out? Do you find yourself feeling isolated, as though you’re one of the only people in the world who is experiencing a need for dental implants? You will be thrilled to discover that based on some cold hard facts, you are nowhere near being alone on this journey of yours. Instead, you are keeping very good company! Remember that missing teeth occur due to a wide variety of factors! As for those details that will help you realize your circumstances are quite common, we’re here to make you feel a whole lot better.

Reminder #1: Lots Of People Are Missing Teeth

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 25 percent of people who are 75 or older are experiencing complete tooth loss, which means they no longer have their natural teeth. In addition, more than two thirds of the population (individuals older than 34 and younger than 45) has lost at least one tooth. You see?

Reminder #2: Many People Choose Single Implants

Are you feeling like most people probably choose a dental bridge or partial? Are you worrying that you should choose an implant-supported prosthetic like a bridge instead of relying on single implants? Stop worrying and make the choice that feels the best for your needs. In addition to not being the only person struggling with tooth loss, you’ll be pleased to find you’re nowhere near the only person choosing single crown implants. As a matter of fact, the American College of Prosthodontists reports that around 2.3 million single implants are crafted every single year. That’s a lot of dental implants!


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Quiz: Preventing Facial Collapse

When you’ve experienced tooth loss, the last thing you probably think about is the eventual collapse of your facial structure or your bite. However, this is a very real threat that becomes a potential hazard the moment you lose a tooth. As a result, it’s very essential that you understand why it’s so important to replace missing teeth. Fortunately, dental implants can protect both the structure of your smile and the integrity of your overall appearance. Get to know more on the topic with a quiz.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: Your jawbone is consistently kept healthy as the result of stimulation provided by your teeth. When you lose teeth, that stimulation goes away.
  2. True or False: Fortunately, dental implants can preserve the necessary stimulation that your jawbone usually receives. This is because by replacing the roots you once had, the implant or “new roots” signal your body that a tooth is present and needs support.
  3. True or False: When enough jaw tissue is lost, the lower portion of your face will collapse due to a lack of support. Over time, your bite may collapse, as well.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. The volume, width, and health of the bone remain as they are due to the stimulation that your teeth provide. Think of it as your bone remaining healthy because its responsibility is to house your tooth. When the tooth is gone, the bone “thinks” the responsibility is gone, too.
  2. True. We suggest dental implants for patients who are interested and who make good candidates because stimulation can continue, preventing the loss of jaw tissue.
  3. True. When you don’t have enough jaw tissue, the framework that provided your face with support disappears and collapse occurs. Over time, if additional tooth loss occurs, your bite may collapse, as well, leading to an even more severe lack of facial support.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).