Wisdom Teeth Removal: Aftercare

Are you less concerned about the thought of coming in for wisdom teeth removal and more worried about what the recovery process will be like? We understand that you may feel a bit hesitant because you’re not sure what to expect. The good news is that it’s actually a process you can make comfortable and easy. Just pay close attention to our instructions for aftercare and you’ll soon be free of your third molars and back to business as usual! For a quick rundown, allow us to explain.

You’ll Need A Few Days

You probably won’t be back to work the day after your wisdom teeth removal. It’s best to schedule your surgery, while expecting to take around four days to a week off from your usual daily activities. For teens, this means it’s often a good idea to plan surgery over summer or winter break.

We’ll Help With Pain Relief

It’s entirely possible to remain comfortable after your wisdom teeth removal! We will prescribe medication to ease the discomfort. We will also suggest the age-old remedy for pain and swelling: Plan on placing an ice pack against your cheek for exceptional relief. Of course, you should also remember to rest.

Leave The Extraction Site Alone

We will provide you with specific instructions regarding what you can eat and how to clean your smile during the first few days, so you do not disrupt the blood clot that forms within the socket. By giving this (a natural scabbing process) the opportunity to form, you can avoid a disorder called “dry socket” and instead, promote effective, successful healing!


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Implants: Am I Too Old Or Too Young?

A very common inquiry we receive from patients has to do with whether they are too young or too old for dental implants. The truth is that there’s not a set-in-stone age span ideal for the placement of this tooth replacement option. However, is it possible to be too young? Yes. Is it possible to be too old? Not exactly. For the specific answers you are looking for, take a moment of your time and allow us to offer additional details. Of course, to find out if you are a candidate, set up a visit with us!

Am I Too Young?

It’s not necessarily the number of years you have been alive that will disqualify you from receiving a dental implant but the fact that along with youth comes developing, growing tissues. If your jawbone is still in the process of growing, it is not a stable place within which we can place an implant. Fortunately, jaw tissue tends to complete its growth cycle by late teens to early twenties. To determine whether you’re a candidate yet (or not), we invite you to come in, so we can monitor your development. We will assist you in achieving your goal of a full smile free of missing teeth.

Am I Too Old?

Nope. You cannot be too old to receive a dental implant. You can, however, suffer from periodontal disease, a deteriorated jawbone, or you may be unfit for surgery. While these issues are commonly associated with a greater number of years on the planet, these are oral health problems that may affect anyone of any age. The good news is that we can work with you to help you address these obstacles, so you can become fit as a candidate.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Healthy Smiles: 3 Types Of Pressure To Avoid

You might think a lot about your brushing and flossing habits, the foods you eat, professional visits to our practice, and issues like tooth replacement. However, do you spend any time thinking about the various types of pressure that affect your oral health? This is not a very common line of thinking unless you are a dental professional, so you’re in luck! We are happy to share more with you about how you can offer your smile and dental implants great protection by avoiding a few pressure-related concerns.

#1: Emotional Pressure

Who knew that something seemingly figurative could affect your oral health? It can, as a matter of fact. Emotional pressure, whether you’re feeling quite tense or stressed by something in your life, often comes out in the form of muscle tension. Patients frequently grit their teeth, tightening their jaw muscles in addition to other muscles throughout the body. Without seeking relief for your stress, you may be encouraging the formation of bruxism (clenching or grinding) or TMJ disorder (jaw joint fatigue and damage). The issue can even negatively affect the state of your dental implants.

#2: Involuntary Pressure

About that issues we know as bruxism: When it comes to bruxism, we refer to this functional issue as “involuntary.” Why? Well, you probably have no idea that you’re performing the habit. In fact, you might do it while you’re sleeping. The pressure can damage your dental implant, can wear down your teeth, may lead to broken teeth, and more. Fortunately, oral appliance therapy can protect your smile.

#3: Overuse Pressure

Sometimes, pressure is voluntary. If you’re forcing your teeth to do more than they can bear, their health (and the future stability of dental implants) may not fare well. Make smart choices and, when in doubt, ask us.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Plan For The Holidays … Now!

Halloween hasn’t even come and gone and the thought of planning for Thanksgiving is still something you have not yet had to give too much attention. So, why on earth would you begin planning for the winter holidays in September, you wonder? While there are those tasks you can accomplish immediately in life, dealing with complex oral health issues is not on the list. Whether you require dental implants or other forms of oral surgery, some planning and often a somewhat lengthy process can become necessary. To make sure you’re ready for an enjoyable holiday season (rather than one during which you’re focused on your oral health), consider our thoughts.

You Should Schedule Your Consultation Today

Give yourself plenty of time to see us, to make decisions, and more by scheduling a consultation with us today. As a result, you won’t find yourself scrambling to squeeze in an appointment that isn’t actually the most convenient date or time. Instead, you can come in at your leisure, speak with us about dental implants, oral surgery, and other concerns, and we can begin planning for the improvement of your oral health.

We’ll Have Time To Discover What Works For You

We will speak with you about the particular oral surgery service you need. Perhaps it’s dental implants. Maybe you need wisdom teeth removal. Whatever the case, we can set a date for your treatment by first discussing the best timing. If it’s something you need immediately, you’ll be able to recover before the holidays. If it’s something that can wait, we can discuss whether before or after the winter season is best. Preparing will save you a lot of energy, stress, and worry, so you can focus on friends, family, and merriment with a plan that you have accomplished (or that is already in place).


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Implant Success: Combatting Risk Factors

Are you feeling mostly optimistic about the idea of a future smile with dental implants? If you have learned much about the placement process and osseointegration (when the implant fuses with your jaw tissue), you know that there’s a tiny chance for failure and a big chance for success. However, that very small percentage may be giving you some doubts. To help boost your confidence regarding how you can easily combat potential risk factors, we offer some information you need.

Succeed With Healthy Habits

We will generally suggest that you avoid tobacco products like cigarettes because they are bad for your oral health and the health of your entire body. When it comes to the placement of dental implants (and recovery), we will suggest you avoid use before, during, and immediately after treatment. However, for your best results it’s always ideal to completely quit. Why? Consider the following:

  • A patient’s ability to ward off infection drops as a result of smoking
  • A patient’s healing ability decreases
  • Tobacco products irritate gum tissue, which can lead to inflammation that inhibits implant success

Address Your Bruxism

Are you someone who suffers from bruxism? Unfortunately, the constant pressure associated with your disorder (whether you are grinding your teeth or clenching your teeth) can significantly impact the success of your dental implants. Too much pressure as the posts attempt to fuse with your jawbone can disrupt the process of osseointegration. Begin treatment (or continue treatment) for bruxism if this functional disorder is affecting your smile.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Goodbye Dental Implant Month, Hello New Smile!

Dental Implant Month, which occurred throughout August, is over! It’s now September but that doesn’t mean your motivation for replacing your teeth should dwindle. Instead, it means it’s time to get a bit more serious about whether you see implants in your future or if it’s time to consider other options. Of course, as far as we are concerned, every month is a month to celebrate implants, so let’s spend a moment examining whether they’re right for you with a little help from the AAID.

What’s The AAID?

This is the abbreviation for the American Academy of Dental Implants. Did you know that since 1951 this organization has been committed to the study and advancement of implants, helping individuals attain complete, lasting smiles after tooth loss? Fortunately, they have provided a few simple questions to act as a guide for patients trying to figure out whether implants are a solid choice for the future. Let’s explore those inquiries!

3 Questions From The AAID

In celebration of the recent Dental Implant Month, we offer up a few questions similar to those posed by the AAID (which we will follow with a little extra information to help you think about your answers):

  1. Question: Do you want your smile to appear natural? Fortunately, implants appear extremely natural because they are 100 percent stable and we will restore them with lifelike crowns or other prosthetics.
  2. Question: Do you want your smile to be easy to deal with? Good news: Implants are the most stable possible solution for replacing a missing tooth. Your life will return to its pre-tooth-loss level of ease and quality.
  3. Question: Are you hoping for a smile that you can feel proud of? Nobody will know you’re wearing implants, you won’t be able to tell much of a different, you’ll be able to eat the foods you love, and speaking will become free of effort.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Santa Rosa Oral Surgery Welcomes Dr. Jason Rogers

At Santa Rosa Oral Surgery, patient care is our top priority. To ensure our patients receive quality care we employ a team of skilled and dedicated oral surgeons, dentists, and administrative staff. We’re proud to announce the newest member of our surgical team, Dr. Jason Rogers.


FAQs: Prepping For Implant Placement

You may wonder how we will prepare for your dental implant surgery. Are we going to talk with you about what you can expect or is it just going to be something we take care of without giving you much information? What type of anesthesia will you receive? Is there anything special you need to do? These are excellent questions (and questions that we receive quite often from the individuals we treat). To help you feel at ease about your decision to make your smile whole again, we suggest you consider our answers to FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions: Implants

Question: Will you just choose the type of anesthesia you think I need for my dental implant surgery on the day of the procedure or will you give me options?

Answer: We will discuss the best way to approach anesthesia for your procedure. Keep in mind that we will fully inform you about these details before your visit, so you know exactly what to expect.

Question: How will I know what to do before my dental implant surgery? Will I have time to ask you questions?

Answer: You will receive an extremely detailed explanation regarding how to best prepare for your treatment. You will be happy to learn that it’s very easy to prep for this exciting part of your tooth replacement adventure.

Question: Is there anything you’re going to ask that I do that isn’t simple?

Answer: We may ask that you avoid smoking for a week or more before your dental implant surgery and that you continue avoiding it for a week or more afterward. Smoking has the capacity to influence the failure of your implant, so avoidance is essential.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Sept. 28, 2016 – Planning and Treating Patients with Advanced, Complex and Esthetic Needs: Improving Outcomes Through Evolution in Design, Techniques and Materials

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016

Address: Flamingo Hotel and Resort
2777 Fourth Street, SR

5:30 p m Registration
5:45 pm Plated Dinner
6:00 pm Program Begins

Type: Lecture and Q&A
Tuition: Complimentary Dentists Only

3.0 credits, CA. Permit #4695

Register by September 21st Contact Toni at 545 -4625

Guest Speaker: Dean Morton, BDS, MS

Dr. Dean Morton completed his dental training at the University of Sydney, and completed his training in Prosthodontics at the University of Iowa. He currently serves as Professor and Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics at Indiana University School of Dentistry, and concurrently directs the Center for Implant, Esthetic and Innovative Dentistry. Dr. Morton is a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and serves as a Director and Examiner. He is a fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists, International College of Dentists, Academy of Prosthodontics and the International Team for Implantology (ITI). He is Chair of Section USA of the ITI and serves on the board of directors. Dr. Morton is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants and has authored numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles and abstracts. He lectures nationally and internationally on implants and esthetic dentistry, and maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics, Implant and Esthetic Dentistry in Louisville


  • dentify pre-treatment difficulty and esthetic parameters and relate these to treatment outcomes through effective risk assessment
  • Consider implant and abutment options for implant patients
  • Communicate the appropriate three-dimensional implant position through effective use of templates, with an emphasis on digital alternatives
  • Consider contoured provisional and definitive restorations and customized components designed to manage soft tissue outcomes
  • Describe restorative options (abutment and restoration options and Cad-Cam) and discuss the influence of these on treatment outcome
  • More effectively incorporate esthetic procedures into your dental implant practice


Advanced, complex and esthetic implant-based restorations are a cornerstone of contemporary practice. However, treatment can be challenging when patients present with multiple “problems.” This presentation will first consider the objective categorization of treatment difficulty. Patient cases will used to illustrate a range of factors to be considered in routine assessment and planning – particularly those with esthetic ramifications. The importance of a team approach, and incorporation of evidence-based and contemporary clinical treatment options will be considered.

This program will consider esthetic diagnosis and principles that relate to our contemporary practice of implant dentistry. Modern restorative options will be considered in addition to evolving technologies and dental materials capable of improving treatment predictability. Also, tissue response to intervention and tools for managing supporting tissues will be examined.

As we discuss procedures designed to improve the quality and predictability of outcomes, we will look at avoiding and managing complications commonly confronted in everyday practice.

Impacted Canine Teeth: Can You Help My Child?

We often find that patients are uncertain about what’s happening with their child’s impacted canine tooth, what this issue really means, how to address it, and why it’s so essential to fix the problem. Rest easy. We understand that discovering your child’s teeth require treatment for proper development can feel a little overwhelming. The good news is that it’s actually a common concern that we can address to ensure a beautiful, healthy smile. Let’s review some details.

What’s A Canine Tooth?

What is your child’s impacted canine tooth? It’s one of four pointed teeth that rest on the side of lateral incisors. Some know these as “vampire teeth.” Unfortunately, it may not erupt through the gum tissue during development, which can negatively affect one’s bite and, subsequently, smile alignment and appearance, speaking, and chewing success.

What To Do?

You need to address your child’s impacted canine tooth (or teeth) to promote a healthy smile that, once treated, can easily remain healthy for the remainder of your child’s life. We can either work with an orthodontist to create a space for the tooth or we may need to rely on a surgical treatment known as “exposure” that will reveal the tooth. We may then use a treatment similar to braces (known as bracketing) to shift the tooth into the position in which is belongs.

How To Begin

We invite you to contact us to schedule a visit. Whether you have already determined that your child’s canine teeth are not erupting, if you are uncertain, or if you are an adult whose canines never erupted, please schedule a visit with us. We will get you started on a path toward excellent oral health.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).