Extractions: 3 Reasons To Feel Confident

When patients learn they require an extraction, we often find that this suggestion over all others causes extensive worry. Rather than fixing the tooth, we will remove the tooth from your smile. This brings to mind a medley of questions, such as, “Will I be left with an open space in my smile?” Allow us to address common concerns, so you feel confident about resolving your oral health problem with a tooth extraction.

Reason #1: We Offer Sedation

A powerful reason to feel confident about a tooth extraction is the following fact: It will be comfortable. First, your treatment will begin with the administration of local anesthetic to numb the tissues at the removal site. For patients requiring additional numbing or who simply feel nervous about the procedure, we offer a variety of sedation options, such as nitrous oxide and oral sedation.

Reason #2: We’re Removing The Problem

Feel good about your tooth extraction – it is saving your oral health! Recognize that the reason we remove a tooth is because it is the source of a problem affecting your smile. When a tooth’s health is unsalvageable, leaving it in place may mean the spread of infection, physical injury to other teeth, the formation of cysts, the encouragement of decay or inflammation, and many more complications. Remove the problem and you are on the road toward a healthy smile.

Reason #3: You Can Replace An Extracted Tooth

Aside from wisdom teeth (which you do not need), we can replace missing teeth. You can rest assured that your tooth extraction will include a plan to replace the removed tooth. We offer beautiful dental implants, so you may look forward to a full tooth replacement.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

2 Myths About Dental Implants

As you speak with friends and family members about your decision to replace missing teeth with dental implants, you will likely find that they have experienced tooth loss (either directly or indirectly). As a result, you may hear some stories that begin with something like, “Oh, yes, my uncle has implants!” You may also discover along the way that you are not sure whether you’re faced with factual accounts or if a myth or two has made its way into the narrative. Allow us to tackle a couple common myths by explaining the truth at the heart of the matter.

Myth #1: Implants Don’t Require Care

You may have entered into a discussion in which someone is extolling the many benefits of dental implants – one of which, they explain, is that implants require no care. This is not the case! True, the implant and the restoration will be composed of artificial tissue that will not develop cavities. However, you will need to care for the tooth replacement like you do your natural teeth (which means maintenance is easy). Consistent cleaning and plaque removal will ensure the prosthetic remains in good condition and that your surrounding tissues continue to enjoy good health.

Myth #2: All Dentists Are Trained In Placing Implants

While your general dentist may place your dental implant and is legally allowed to do so, not all dentists have the same background in this field of specialization. You see, placement of implants is a surgical procedure that requires detailed case planning and extraordinary precision for optimal results. We suggest patients interested in implants visit our team of board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons, dentists, and medical doctors. Our extensive training in implants – and consistent collaboration with your doctor and general dentist – will ensure you receive an implant with success.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Dental Implants: Time-Related Questions

When you decide on dental implants as you seek out solutions to replace missing teeth, you know that this treatment requires a greater amount of time than other tooth replacement options. As a result, though you know the entire process is much lengthier, you may have some specific questions about time-related concerns along the way. To offer some clarification, consider answers to common questions regarding implants and how they may affect your timeline.

Questions and Answers: Implants

Question: How long does it take to place an implant during the surgical procedure?

Answer: If you are receiving a single dental implant, the placement requires approximately one hour in most cases. For multiple implants, the procedure may require two or more hours.

Question: Will I need to spend many days recovering from dental implant surgery? I’m worried about missing work.

Answer: No. In most instances you will be able to return to your normal daily schedule by the day after your surgical procedure. Do not confuse your short-term recovery associated with surgery with the long-term recovery associated with your implant and bone fusing (osseointegration). This fusion will require several months, though it will take place while you continue to live your usual daily life.

Question: How many times will I need to visit you before my dental implants are restored and I am done with treatment?

Answer: The frequency of appointments may vary according to the particular patient. However, in many cases, we will simply need to see you to plan the treatment, for the placement of your implants, and then to place your restorations. You may enjoy your complete implants within only a few appointments. Keep in mind, we may also suggest a post-operative visit or two to monitor your progress.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Dental Implants: 3 Exciting Benefits

When you’re doing your best to become familiar with your tooth replacement options, you might find that there are more solutions than you first imagined. As you become more interested in dental implants and their benefits, you can be sure that you will continue to uncover exciting advantages that make them more and more attractive. For now, we offer up a few additional benefits that you may have overlooked.

Benefit #1: They Don’t Damage Nearby Teeth

If you choose a prosthetic like a dental bridge, you will discover quickly that the bridge will rest on remaining, healthy, natural teeth in your smile. Unfortunately, a dentist will usually need to remove some of the tooth tissue from these “anchor” or natural teeth, so they are prepared to support the bridge with the placement of dental crowns. A dental implant requires only support from your jawbone, so it will not interrupt remaining teeth in your smile.

Benefit #2: They Can Support A Variety of Prosthetics

You may use dental implants to support one of a variety of prosthetics, giving you a full spectrum of choices. Implants may stand on their own to support a dental crown, replacing teeth one at a time. Or, you may elect to receive implant-supported bridges or dentures, according to your particular oral health and smile goals.

Benefit #3: We Can Determine Candidacy In House

If you come to us with an interest in dental implants, you will not have to travel to another office for the required advanced imaging we need for a full comprehension of your oral health. After learning about your health status and medical history, we will gather digital X-rays (and sometimes 3D X-rays) within our own practice for exceptional convenience.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Q&A: Why Do I Need Jaw Surgery?

Are you well aware that your jaws are not properly aligned with one another? Has your dentist or orthodontist informed you that you may need jaw surgery to improve the position of your jaws? If so, you may find yourself wondering why you cannot simply receive braces to correct the problem – or what to expect. Consider the answers to some frequently asked questions to begin learning more about how surgery can help your smile.

Questions and Answers: Jaw Surgery

Question: Why do you offer jaw surgery – what would be a reason I would need to come in to see you? Isn’t the configuration of my jaw something that I need to just learn to live with?

Answer: In certain instances, your jaws may not be aligned in a way that provides you with ease of use. As a result, eating your food and communicating with others through articulate speaking may prove extremely challenging. Fortunately, we may correct common problems with surgery.

Question: Can’t I just fix the problem with orthodontics? Why won’t braces improve the issue?

Answer: For the most part, orthodontic care can offer some improvement by aligning your teeth if they are misaligned. However, if your top and bottom jaw position prevents your bite from fitting together functionally, this may require surgery.

Question: Will my face end up looking different after you perform jaw surgery? Will the changes be beneficial?

Answer: Yes, in most instances, the repositioning of your jaws will improve your appearance, leading to a more balanced, pleasing look. We will work collaboratively with your orthodontist to promote a smile that works well and looks beautiful.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

Quiz: Nitrous Oxide Details

How much do you really know about nitrous oxide? Are you familiar with what you can expect from your experience with this form of anesthesia – also known as laughing gas? Or, do you simply know that it’s a form of sedation we offer our patients? The good news is that the more you learn about different sedation options, the easier it will be to feel confident making a decision with us when it comes time to choose anesthesia. For now, find out how much you know with a brief quiz.

Quiz: Anesthesia

  1. True or False: Nitrous oxide is our most potent form of sedation, which will cause you to fall asleep.
  2. True or False: While laughing gas has a foul odor and strange taste, the benefits of choosing this form of dental sedation are completely worthwhile.
  3. True or False: Even though nitrous oxide is a fairly new form of anesthesia, it has quickly risen in popularity due to its effects.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. This form of anesthesia is the gentlest option when it comes to seeking relaxing and analgesic effects. You will not fall asleep from laughing gas. You will, however, feel happy and relaxed – you may even feel like laughing, as its name suggests.
  2. False. Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas that is a bit sweet to smell and to taste. You can expect a wonderful experience if you choose this form of anesthesia, which you will simply breathe in through your nose as it calms your anxiety.
  3. False. This form of sedation is well known in part because it has been around for such a long time and because most people tolerate it extremely well. There is record of laughing gas having been used for over 100 years!


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

3 Tips For Post-Surgery Success

After your oral surgery, you will follow our instructions, of course, which will ensure you recover successfully. Whether you visit us for an extraction, dental implant, jaw surgery, or otherwise, the goal is to reach improved oral health and to maintain your newly improved smile. You may wonder – is there something you should be doing to ensure your transformation remains in excellent condition, so you may continue enjoying the benefits for years to come? Consider a few shockingly simple tips.

Tip #1: Don’t Forget Your Preventive Care

While you may feel like you’re on top of the world after you heal from your oral surgery, it’s important to remain a bit grounded. Protecting the work you have had done primarily rests on your dedication to continuing your preventive care habits. Brushing twice daily (and flossing once daily) will keep plaque and bacteria to a minimum, so teeth, gums, and any dental work remain undisturbed. Of course, twice annual visits to your general dentist are also of the utmost importance.

Tip #2: Always Call If You Have A Question

Do you have a question for us after your oral surgery? Whether you cannot remember a particular instruction we presented or if something doesn’t feel quite right with your oral cavity, we urge you to contact us. We will speak with you or schedule a visit.

Tip #3: Follow Up – Even If Everything Seems Wonderful

Did we schedule a follow-up visit with you but you feel so happy with your oral surgery results that you dismiss this appointment and choose to cancel? While everything might look and feel A-OK, it is extremely important that we see you after your procedure. This provides you with immense protection, as we can detect any minor concerns immediately and redirect you to ensure your oral health remains intact.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

3 Benefits Of Oral Surgery

You know that choosing oral surgery is going to repair the problem with your oral health, which is certainly a wonderful advantage. However, have you given much thought to the more specific benefits that come with visiting us? Whether you need help with a problematic tooth, improvement for an unhealthy jawbone, dental implants, or otherwise, our treatments can improve your smile (and your life) in a number of ways. Consider a few of them as you learn more about this field of dental care.

Benefit #1: Achieve Long-Term Tooth Replacement

Patients with missing teeth have a variety of options for addressing their tooth loss. If you choose a bridge or denture, you will restore the crown of your tooth (which rests above your gum tissue) but you will not replace the roots. As a result, your device may last several years but will require replacement and likely an occasional repair. Replacing teeth with oral surgery means you replace the entire tooth with a dental implant and restoration for a long-lasting and stable solution.

Benefit #2: Prevent Significant Damage

In some instances, you will need oral surgery for a problem that is progressive. This means that the issue at hand – jawbone deterioration, for instance – is going to worsen over time unless you address it. Fortunately, in this case, we may replace the lost tissue with bone grafting to keep the problem from advancing and causing significant damage.

Benefit #3: Address The Problem (Not The Symptom)

Another benefit of oral surgery is that we are able to address the actual underlying problem that is negatively affecting your oral health, rather than simply dealing with the symptom. For example, rather than suggest you take pain relievers and deal with jaw problems, we may perform jaw surgery to correct the problem by aligning your jaws.


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

3 Things To Bring To Your Visit

Are you someone who likes to feel completely prepared for just about anything? When it comes to preparing for oral surgery, you may feel that the stakes are a bit higher. The last thing you want is to show up without an essential item, only to find yourself faced with rescheduling and coming in for another appointment. The great news is that getting ready for your visit is quite easy. We will fill you in on all of the essential details, so you can show up relaxed, ready to improve your oral health. For now, allow us to offer a few helpful suggestions, so you can get a head start on that much needed prep.

How Old Are You?

Are you showing up for oral surgery? Or, is your son or daughter the patient in this case? If your child is visiting us for a procedure, you will need to come to the visit, too. We require individuals younger than 18 to arrive at their appointment with a parent or guardian, so keep this in mind as the two of you plan out your schedules.

Important Documentation

You will need to remember to bring the basic information that you likely usually carry in your wallet. For instance, make sure you show up with your dental insurance card if you have decided to claim your coverage benefits for your oral surgery procedure. This will streamline the process.

Bring Your Medical Info

As you know, oral surgery requires us to remain fully informed regarding the state of your general wellbeing. In addition, we work in collaboration with your general dentist and any doctors you see. As a result, we ask that you begin preparing for your surgery by bringing supporting materials to your consultations with us, including the following:

  • Information regarding any significant health problems that you are currently experiencing
  • Documentation of medicine you take, preferably with the dosage and frequency with which you take them
  • Your referral from your dentist or doctor
  • Provide your dentist with permission to send any advanced imaging to our practice


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).

What Are Those Oral Surgery Terms?

Do you understand that there’s something going on with your oral health that requires you to visit us for oral surgery – but you feel like your knowledge ends there? Are you discovering that there are a few terms related to our field of oral care that continue to throw you off a bit, so gathering the details about your personal needs and treatments is a bit difficult to thoroughly understand? Allow us to help define a few key terms, so your journey toward a healthier smile begins with a solid foundation.

What Does Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Mean?

When we say that we provide oral and maxillofacial surgery, this might sound extremely complicated or intimidating but it is simple to understand. We practice within a specialized field that allows us to diagnose and surgically treat problems that arise with your oral tissues (tissues in your mouth) as well as your maxillofacial tissues (your jaws and your face).

What Is Bone Grafting?

If you require bone grafting, this is an oral surgery procedure. We will help treat damaged jawbone tissue, which often occurs as the result of periodontal disease. Or, jawbone tissue may deteriorate due to a prolonged experience with missing teeth. Grafting means that we will replace the missing tissue either with natural tissue or artificial tissue. In some instances, grafting will encourage your natural tissue to regenerate.

What Does Anesthesia Refer To?

Anesthesia refers to a variety of sedation options we offer to our patients for relaxing, comfortable oral surgery. In some cases, this may refer to general anesthesia (or IV sedation), which may or may not include going to sleep. However, anesthesia also refers to local anesthesia (the localized numbing of tissues), nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and oral sedation (sedation in pill form). 


Combining experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a genuine care for their patients’ health and comfort, the team at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery is ready to improve the health and beauty of smiles in the Sonoma County and North Bay area. To schedule a consultation, contact our office by calling 707-545-4625 (Santa Rosa).