renew your smile sana rosa ca

Renew Your Smile With Dental Implants

renew your smile sana rosa caIf you have lost one or more of your natural teeth, it does not have to be the end of your story. This situation may feel like a struggle, but it is important to know your options in prosthodontic repair, as there are helpful tooth replacement solutions to help you regain control of your smile. One of these has quickly become one of the most popular forms of prosthetic tooth replacement, and this biocompatible approach can help you to renew your smile after losing one or more of your teeth.

Your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons understand the value of a happy and healthy smile, and dental implants can be a great way to revive your oral health after tooth loss. With implant dentistry, you can have a bite that you can trust and a smile that looks natural, all through the placement of a durable titanium rod. As your body heals around your implant post, it creates a sturdy foundation for your smile repair, giving you a prosthodontic solution that can live with you for years to come. Talk to our team about your options and schedule your consultation for dental implants!

How Dental Implants Work To Provide A Long-Lasting Smile Solution

It seems like everyone is talking about dental implants, and that is for a very good reason: they are a huge advancement in oral health! But even if you have heard all about them, have you ever taken the time to sit down and learn how they work?

With implant dentistry, your new prosthodontic renewal centers around the placement of a sturdy titanium rod into the bone tissue of your jaw. Titanium is an important part of this process, as your immune system interacts with it in a special way. Instead of rejecting this metal, your body actually heals around it, protecting the implant post as if it were part of your natural dental material. After your short period of recovery, your dentist can place a beautiful new prosthetic to the post, giving you a strong connection to your jaw.

Implant Dentistry Provides Versatile Prosthodontics

Dental implants are helpful for those with a missing tooth, but there is more that they can do. In fact, implant dentistry is becoming a go-to solution for those in need of a full mouth of replacement teeth. This process is known as all-on-four, and it uses implant posts to mount a new denture solution. From one tooth to a full new set, implant dentistry is changing the game.

Find Out More With Our Team In Santa Rosa!

When you want to renew your smile after tooth loss, talk to our team. To learn more or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, give us a call at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at (707)545-4625 today!