If you’re wearing dental implants, then you know how important it is to pay close attention to your oral health. When you’re noticing a sticky sensation, bad breath, and dry lips, it’s obvious something is off with your moisture levels! Of course, this is a common affliction as winter approaches. Fortunately, we can help.
Keep Lips Moist
You may love the way your smile looks, thanks to dental implants. That is, until your lips are extremely dry, peeling, and cracking. Easy solution! Apply, apply, apply lip balm. Keep drying facial cosmetics away from this tissue. Done.
Regulate Your Room’s Moisture!
When are you noticing the driest lips and mouth? Do you wake with a dry throat, cottonmouth, and lips that feel like sandpaper? You might need to consider upping the humidity in your bedroom during the night. As winter’s weather brings in dryness and calls for you to turn up the heat, these details can leave you lacking moisture. Since dry mouth is no good for your smile whether you have dental implants or not, everyone in your home should strive to combat it! Consider the following:
- Sip water more frequently (keep a glass or bottle on your bedside table if you wake up coughing or with a dry throat)
- Use a humidifier, which can work wonders
- Pile on lip care treatments before sleep and throughout your day
Cover Up
One very easy way to protect your lips and your mouth when you experience a particularly chilly day is to dress for it! Grab an oversize scarf and gently wrap it over your mouth when you’re out and about. It will block the bite of the wind, while helping you keep your lips and mouth supple (and not stripped from winter weather).
Give Us A Heads Up When You Need Assistance
Have questions about your dental implants and oral health? Let us know what you need help with, even if it’s a simple concern, so we may assist you! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.