Sedation Solutions for Oral Surgery

When it comes to surgery of any kind, one of the first things that comes to mind might be “Will it hurt?” We can confidently say that because of of our sedation solutions in Santa Rosa , CA, we can manage any discomfort in our office, from short and relatively simple procedures, to complex reconstructions. Along with diminishing uncomfortable sensation, sedation also reduces anxiety, making it easier for patients to sit still for longer procedures. Before your surgery, we will find the sedation option (or possibly a combination of options) that ensures your comfort, and takes into account your preferences and your overall health.

A Mild Choice: Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is the mildest of our sedative options. Nitrous is administered by our trained team, through a mask throughout a procedure, but does not linger in your system. Once you stop breathing it in, it is quickly exhaled and cleared from your body. While you may not remember all the details of the procedure, you can plan to return to work or drive yourself home.

Another Mild Choice: Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia will numb the area around the surgery. It has no effect on your mood, and you will be able to drive afterwards. We may ask you not to eat or chew until the local anesthesia wears off.

Mid-Range: Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a presciption medicine (usually a pill) that you take a few hours before your procedure. This gives a deeper sense of calm, although patients are still awake and can answer questions or requests from the oral surgeon during the procedure. Oral sedation does not wear off immediately, and we will probably ask you in advance to make arrangements for a ride home.

Deepest Sedation: General Anesthesia

General anesthesia means you are fully asleep, and unaware of your surroundings. During this time, you will be monitored closely at all times. After general anesthesia, you will likely feel groggy and you will need to make arrangements for your drive home.

Your Comfort During a Procedure is Always On Our Mind

Whether your procedure will be performed with local sedation, or general anesthesia, we have you covered. To learn more about our in-office sedation options, or to schedule a consultation, call Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.