santa rosa facial trauma

How Do We Repair Facial Trauma?

santa rosa facial traumaFacial trauma refers to any major or even minor damage to your teeth, jaw, or face. Unless treated, these injuries could not only impact smile esthetics, but also lead to issues with the balance of your jaw, increasing the risk of major complications. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons talk about how we address facial trauma.

Responding to Your Trauma

When an injury happens that damages your smile or causes trauma to your face, you should contact 911 or proceed to an emergency room. We want to make sure you receive medical care to address bleeding and serious injuries to the function of your smile or the esthetics of your face. However, our team is experience in treating dental emergencies, which consists of injuries to the teeth and jaw that isn’t life threatening. When a tooth is knocked out or damaged, try to retrieve the tooth or any pieces, and bring them with you. Place the tooth in a glass of salt water or milk. A cold compress can reduce facial swelling, and cloth or gauze can stop bleeding. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Be sure to give us a call to schedule your visit right away!

An Exam and Treatment Plan

First, we want to take a close look at your smile with digital imaging technology and x-rays, so we create a series of detailed images of your entire smile, assessing the extent of your injuries and planning the treatment process with precision and accuracy. Minor dental emergencies, such as chipped teeth or missing ones, can be addressed quickly. But our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons also have experienced with more complex and severe injuries, including facial and intraoral lacerations, fractures or breakage in the face and jaw, and of course, knocked-out teeth.

Repairing Trauma

Our treatment plan is designed to not only repair the injuries, but also restore balance to your smile. We want to improve esthetics as well, and ensure your smile functions as it should. We can provide corrective jaw surgery, use bone grafting and sinus lifts to rebuild lost portions of jawbone tissue, and even replace missing teeth with durable and long-lasting dental implants. If you have any questions about how we approach issues like facial trauma, or if you have an injury that needs attention, then please don’t hesitate to contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Addressing Damage to Your Face or Smile?

We’re ready to help repair damage and return your smile and face to optimal health, function, and beauty. To learn more about how our team offers repair for damage, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.