Preparing For Your General Tooth Extraction

santa rosa tooth extractionSometimes, a tooth needs to be removed in order to protect the smile from major complications, such as worsening pain or advanced tooth loss. To safeguard the smile, your Santa Rosa , CA, oral surgeons can perform a safe and gentle tooth extraction. In today’s blog, we’re looking at how to prepare for the visit and what to expect afterward.

When You Need an Extraction

We may suggest a tooth extraction to prevent wisdom tooth impaction and misalignment, or to address a severely decayed or infected tooth that could cause problems for the rest of your smile. We can take out teeth to assist with orthodontic treatment, or to improve bite function and balance. We could also extract teeth to make room for a prosthetic, such as a full or partial implant denture.

Preparing for the Procedure

For the eight hours before the procedure, you need to avoid eating and drinking, and should let us know if you forget and happen to eat or drink something, as we may need to reschedule. You should also avoid tobacco products and alcohol too. Brushing and flossing beforehand is helpful as this limits the amount of bacteria present, and you should wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing. Please bring a friend or family member, so someone can take you home as the sedation takes time to wear off. Right before the surgery begins, you will complete the financial aspects and go to the bathroom. We’ll gladly answer any questions or concerns you have, and the sedation will help you feel relaxed and comfortable!

The Extraction and Beyond

The process is daily simple, as we will remove the tooth with a pair of forceps and then suture the area closed. A friend or family member will take you home, and we will send instructions and even prescriptions for medications to help the area heal quickly and comfortably. At home, you can take pain medications as instructed and should change gauze pads every 20 to 40 minutes. Don’t touch the site with your fingers or tongue! We will provide instructions on rinsing and controlling any facial swelling. Eat soft foods for the first 24 hours, and avoid hot items. Try to cut back on chewy or hard foods and snacks for two weeks. You can brush and floss, just do so gently, and try to limit activity for the first three days.

If you have any questions, give us a call today.

Do You Have Questions About the Extraction Process?

Our team wants to help you enjoy a complication-free experience when you see us for oral surgery. If you would like to learn more about the process of gently removing a tooth, then contact your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons by calling 707-545-4625.