How To Prepare For Your Upcoming Procedure

santa rosa oral surgery

We offer oral surgery to help transform your smile and correct complex oral health concerns, from facial trauma to missing teeth. But we also want to make sure when you arrive for treatment, you are comfortable and relaxed. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about how to prepare for an upcoming procedure, and what to expect during the treatment and afterward. We strive to ensure the procedure is a comfortable experience, even if you have serious dental anxiety!

When You Need Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is prescribed for situations too advanced or complex to be treated by your general dentist or your orthodontist. This could include replacing missing teeth with dental implants, extracting teeth or removing wisdom teeth, treating facial trauma, jaw surgery, or even grafting or sinus lifts to prepare your smile for dental implants. In many cases, we will work alongside your general dentist or orthodontist to ensure care continues seamlessly once we’re done with the surgical portion. Our doctors have worked with complex cases, and worked with the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Trauma Team. When you have severe damage or other concerns with your smile, see us for a consultation.

Planning Treatment

To begin, our team will take a close look at your smile with advanced digital x-rays and CBCT imaging, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. We want to plan the procedure in detail. In addition, we want the experience to be comfortable for you, which is why we can offer a local anesthetic to the area being treated to numb the issues. Our team will also offer sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, with little to no memory of the procedure at all. We can choose from three different options, so even if you have special needs, an overactive gag reflex, or anxiety, you can enjoy a positive experience in our office.

Getting Ready

Often, the sedation we recommend will require you to avoid food and drink for a few hours before the procedure begins, which is why we typically schedule these for the morning. You should wear loose, comfortable clothing, and bring a pillow or blanket if you prefer, so you stay comfortable and feel relaxed. Arrive a little early in case there are still forms to sign, and have a friend or a family member available to bring you home afterward.

During Treatment

During the procedure, you will be sedated. But if you are receiving nitrous oxide or oral sedation, you will still be conscious and able to respond to the oral surgeon as needed. IV sedation and/or general anesthesia will leave you in a sleep-like state.


Once the procedure ends, you will be a bit groggy as your sedation wears off and your friend or family member will need to take you home. We will provide prescriptions for medications to aid in the healing process and help you stay comfortable. We may recommend a follow-up visit in the next day or two. At home, take any medications recommended and rest for at least 24 hours, possibly longer if the surgery was more complex. You should eat soft foods, avoid activity and straw use, and be gentle when you brush and floss. Don’t prod the site with your tongue, as in many cases a clot needs to form and you don’t want to dislodge and cause a dry socket. We will provide any additional instructions as needed for your specific situation.

If you have any questions about our approach to oral surgery, or if you would like to schedule a visit with our team, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and feel good about the appearance of your smile, and to ensure better oral health.

Talk to Our Team About Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA

Our team wants to make sure your treatment experience is a calm and comfortable one, which is why we plan the procedure in detail and answer any questions you have about the process. Every smile is unique, and we take a personalized approach to each one. To learn more about preparing for your oral surgery, then give us a call at Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at (707)545-4625 today! Our team is eager to help you enjoy your best possible smile, no matter how severe the issue is that impacts your smile.