Our Approach To Anesthesia And Sedation

santa rosa sedation

When you have a serious oral health concern, like wisdom teeth soon to erupt, a jaw that needs surgery, or missing teeth that need dental implants, you benefit from oral surgery. Our team wants to help you feel comfortable throughout the procedure, even if you’re undergoing care for facial trauma or to strengthen a weakened jawbone! In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our approach to anesthesia and sedation.


Find Out What’s Happening In Santa Rosa

santa rosa lego community events

We love the chance to talk to you about our treatment options, and how we use our experience and expertise to offer quality oral surgery for our patients and their families. But in today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons are instead talking about fun events happening in our community this weekend, including movie nights, Lego building clubs, and more!


How Jaw Surgery Improves Your Smile

santa rosa jaw surgery

When you have issues with the growth of your jaw, or one is weakened by tooth loss or injured, then we can help. With oral surgery, we can take on complex oral health concerns to bring relief to our patients, and we also consider the appearance of your smile too. Our team can correct the issues with your jaw, and in the process improve your overall quality of life. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our approach to orthognathic surgery, and how we can use this to improve the health, stability, and function of your bite, and offer a more attractive smile in the process.


Addressing Tooth Loss With Oral Surgery

santa rosa dental implants

With oral surgery, we can offer a durable and long-lasting tooth replacement option, one that looks and functions like natural teeth. Dental implants can address minor tooth loss and even support fixed dentures, often in only one visit. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about addressing missing teeth with oral surgery. The process can provide dental implants to address minor tooth loss, or even support a full set of dentures that never slip and last far beyond the few years that traditional removable ones last.


Check Out Fun Events In Santa Rosa

santa rosa community events

With oral surgery, our team can take on complex issues, such as tooth loss, facial trauma, jaw surgery, and even wisdom tooth extraction. We often discuss these topics and how we conduct these procedures in our blog. But today, we’re taking a little break and instead, we’re going to talk about a few fun events happening in Santa Rosa, CA, this weekend, including outdoor plays, free movie screenings, art exhibits, and even musical bingo!


How We Bracket Your Impacted Tooth Into Place

santa rosa bracketing teeth

When a tooth only partially erupts, this is known as an impaction. Without treatment, this could impact the stability of your smile and even cause issues with orthodontic treatment. But your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons offer a solution by bracketing these teeth back into their proper position, so you can enjoy proper alignment and better bite balance and chewing function!
