Who Should You Talk To About Dental Implants?

Have you been wondering who you should have a talk with about dental implants? Is this something you have realized would be a good way for you to move forward and away from your current tooth loss but you feel as though there are some loose ends that need to be tied up? Maybe there are more questions or some deep conversations you need to have first! Give our Santa Rosa, CA team the chance to suggest just who you might want to consult on the matter and why!


Wisdom Teeth: Do I Really Need Them Taken Out?

You may find that as you learn about wisdom teeth removal, you have trouble feeling certain about it. Part of you wonders: Do I really need my third molars removed? Of course, if you’re dealing with obvious symptoms, such as pain or decayed teeth, you’re already experiencing problems that let you know you would benefit from extractions. However, when you cannot see or feel these teeth, it can make the whole thing seem somewhat mysterious. Allow our Santa Rosa, CA team to help you better understand the choice you’re trying to make.


Tooth Loss: Beliefs You Can Let Go

Guess what? Some of those recent or even long-held beliefs that you have about tooth loss might not be accurate! When was the last time you checked in with an oral and maxillofacial surgery practice, such as the one we practice from in Rohnert Park, CA? If you just shrugged your shoulders because you’ve never really run any of your ideas about missing teeth or tooth replacement options by a dental professional before, then now is the time! Feel free to bring your thoughts to our attention by setting up a consultation. For now, getting started with common ideas you can let go will help.


Peri-Implantitis: 4 Things To Remember

If you are new to dental implants, then you may be a bit new to a problem that can put implants at risk: It’s called peri-implantitis and it is avoidable! With that said, our Santa Rosa, CA team would like to offer you a quick review of important things to remember about this disorder. When you remain well informed and proactive in terms of keeping your implants and your smile safe, preventing problems and enjoying many years of success with your complete smile is absolutely achievable (if not easy) to do!


Tooth Replacement: When You’re Short On Time

When you’re short on time but you’ve got big dreams for your smile, remember that it’s always best to follow through on exploring your options, particularly when your goal is tooth replacement. Of course, it’s possible that you may determine that your schedule just isn’t going to permit exactly what you had in mind for your tooth loss. However, the good news is that in most cases, you will find that you can still choose dental implants but that you’ll just have to take a different route than you were expecting! For more information, visit with our Santa Rosa, CA team as soon as you can!


Removing Wisdom Teeth: Facts To Make You Feel Better

When you learn that wisdom teeth removal is strongly suggested for your smile (or when you aren’t quite sure yet but it appears that it’s something you might need to look into), you might feel a quick jolt of uncertainty. What happens if you decide to follow through on extractions? Should you be weighing pros and cons carefully? Also: How on earth are you supposed to suddenly know that it’s time to have your third molars removed, you wonder? Let our Santa Rosa, CA team help you feel much better by extending some important details.


New To Implants? Let’s Review Some Important Terms!

Newbies to the world of dental implants, we are here to help you! We know that it may seem like there are mountains of information ahead of you but in general, we find that this is a sensation that tends to go away once our patients have a solid handle on the basics, such as the terminology! So, today, our Rohnert Park, CA team would love to quickly review some important terms that will help you get started (or refresh some dusty knowledge you’ve got stored away). As a result, you’ll feel much more prepared to continue learning, as you make choices for your smile completion!


Implants: 3 Things We Can Do To Make Life Easier

Just the idea of considering dental implants alone may cause you to feel you’re about to take on quite a lot! It’s a new challenge, a new topic, and it is going to include lots of new information. What you’re certain you don’t want to deal with is any unnecessary additional work or confusion as you sort through these new and potentially very exciting details, if you are someone dealing with tooth loss. Fortunately, our Santa Rosa, CA team is proud to say that there are many things we do for our patients to help make the whole process so much easier! Learn more and you may feel even more excited to get started.


From Traditional To Fixed Hybrid Dentures: What To Expect?

One day, after you’ve been wearing traditionally supported dentures for some time, you may stumble upon an amazing discovery: It’s the fixed hybrid denture! You may immediately recognize that the name of this prosthetic for tooth replacement sounds like it offers more than your current denture but you aren’t really sure what that includes. Take a stroll through what you can expect if you switch from traditional to implant-support with this treatment, as explained by our Rohnert Park, CA team!


Your Oral Surgery Team: Reasons You Can Always Contact Us!

When the moment arises when you think you need oral surgery, you might need care from our oral surgery team, or you sort of just want to talk about your options, we remind you that we are here for you! Do not ever hesitate to get into contact with our Santa Rosa, CA practice if you have the sense or the absolute certainty that it is time for care! With that said, if you feel like you’d love to contact us about your smile but you’re not sure if you should, the answer is: You should (and we have some examples, so you feel more comfortable dialing us up!).
