When you’ve got the itch to go ahead and follow through with what you want (which is to come in for dental implants), you may find yourself at an impasse. You don’t know which way to go, so you just don’t replace your teeth or do anything about it. Why is this? Well, for many of the patients we see, there is some conflict in terms of whether it’s the right choice. Of course, as it goes for everyone, when the only perspective you have is your own, giving yourself the motivation you need can feel like too much! So, today, our Santa Rosa, CA team suggests you consider what you would tell your best friend in such a situation for helpful insight!
Summer Is Coming! Write Your Smile To-Do List.
When you’re in the heart of springtime, which is a lovely place to be, you may find yourself so distracted by the beautiful flowers and weather that you forget about your usual responsibilities! This means you might forget about any oral surgery plans you were drumming up for yourself or your family. Unfortunately, this can leave you feeling a bit disappointed once summer arrives, so our Santa Rosa, CA team has some help on the way! Get your pen and paper (or phone) out and make your list soon!
Yep, We Can Help You With That!
You may wonder to yourself when you find our practice (or if you’re already a patient at our practice): “I know they offer oral surgery … but can they help me with that?” Sometimes, you stumble across something you assume we may not be able to assist you with because you think it may be outside of our general area of care. Of course, in such instances, we strongly encourage you to get in contact with our Santa Rosa, CA team to ask about it! You will find that the majority of the time, we will respond with a big “yes!” Consider some possible examples!
Replacing Teeth: 3 Important Preparatory Steps
Coming in to our Santa Rosa, CA practice to get dental implants for yourself isn’t exactly like heading out to quickly take care of your tooth loss task. Unlike running to the store for a loaf of bread, going out to find the right pair of shoes for an event, etc., this is going to be something that requires some prep work! While you may not be fully clear on what that will entail just yet, our team is happy to remind you that we are here to ensure the process is smooth! Let’s shine a light on some of the bigger details!
A Few Easter Reminders For Optimal Smile Protection
Yes, of course, our Rohnert Park, CA team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons loves being able to help you when you accidentally crack or dislodge a tooth or end up in need of an intensive repair for your oral health. It’s what we are here for! However, we also love being able to help you avoid any level of smile-related trauma, so instead of spending your time with us for oral surgery, you can spend your time keeping your oral health in optimal condition and just enjoying daily life! So, in honor of the upcoming Easter holiday (which poses more threats to your grin than you may realize), we have tips to keep in mind!
Your Implant Experience: 3 Things You Should Have
You have a good idea of what you will need in terms of your actual journey toward dental implants: You’ll need to figure out your finances, you’ll need to choose an implant treatment you feel happy with, and you’ll need to schedule some visits with our Rohnert Park, CA team. However, we happen to have a few helpful reminders for those things that will help you out in terms of support along the way that you may not have considered. They’re very simple and can make a world of difference!
Dental Sedation For Every Person And Need!
Your foundation for feeling A-OK about coming in to see our Santa Rosa, CA oral surgery team lies partly in the fact that you know we offer dental sedation. Should you require anything from bone grafting to an extraction to the placement of a dental implant, you know there’s nothing to worry about! However, for some reason, part of you still feels a little worried. You still want to know more about sedation, whether it will really be there for you when you need it, etc. Let’s get started with some new, key, helpful information!
Questions And Answers: National Facial Protection Month 2019
Of course, the reason our Santa Rosa, CA team’s practice includes treatments for facial trauma is the fact that sometimes, things happen. What we want you to remember is that though you cannot know what’s coming, during many of those times, it’s extremely easy to protect yourself against injury. Though you may assume we are going to suggest something complex, we really just want patients to remember that the number one protection against facial injury is the use of an athletic mouthguard! Now, for some questions and answers!
Implants: When You Feel Like Throwing In The Towel
One second, you’re on top of the world and you cannot believe you have found this exceptional option for tooth replacement: They’re dental implants and they’re definitely for you! However, over time, that sensational emotion starts to fade and for one of a variety of reasons (or a bunch of them), you may decide that you should probably just throw in the towel. After all, there are other options (or you can just not replace your teeth, you decide), and that’s that. Or…is it? From our Rohnert Park, CA team’s perspective, you just might want to grab hold of that initial enthusiasm again. Consider our thoughts!
Affordable Dental Implants: Your Reality
When you talk about implants, think about them, discuss them with friends, or look them up online, there may be one think that you keep circling around back to: You wonder if there’s such a thing as affordable dental implants. You have heard that they’re extremely expensive but every time you speak with a dentist or a team like our own Santa Rosa, CA oral surgeons, you hear that they’re a wonderful solution for you. So, trying to judge what might be realistic for you versus what just sounds like a nice treatment (that may be unattainable) can become a big obstacle. Let us help with the details.