If you experience pain at the site of your dental implant or near it, you may go from calm to a bit horrified within 60 seconds! You may also find yourself frantically attempting to sort out the details of why you’re experiencing discomfort, if it means something “bad,” and what you can do to make it go away. We strongly suggest, of course, that you take a moment to relax. Realize that it might be nothing (but if it is, we can help). Then, pick up the phone and dial our number! Of course, a few more suggestions can’t hurt.
Sedation: 3 Things You Should Remember
There are some things in regard to sedation for your smile that we encourage you to remember. Though the full list would be quite lengthy, we’d like to focus today on some reminders associated with your feelings of uncertainty or embarrassment as you’re learning more about anesthesia. So, let’s help you feel wonderful about discovering more, asking questions, and becoming much more comfortable with the topic.
Dental Implants: 3 Things We Advise Against!
There are some things you’re probably doing just right with your dental implants. For instance, if you brush gently and you do so twice a day, then good job! If you floss daily and you also perform this function delicately, then you’re on track. However, when small problems pop up, if you’re trying to treat some of them on your own, this may not be the best solution. For anything that you cannot quickly address with your usual dental hygiene, it’s probably smartest that you see us. Consider some things we strongly advise against!
Are You An Implant Newbie?
Are you someone who has just begun learning about dental implants? Do you know very little but what you have learned thus far has really impressed you? If you’re feeling inspired to learn more because you recognize that it’s about time to replace teeth missing in your grin, then you have come to the right place. Try out some introductory details that will most certainly help you along.
Dental Implant Consultation: Easy Steps For Prep!
When you want to see us for a dental implant consultation, you’re already on the road toward making steps toward improving your smile! You’re considering options for teeth replacement, which is so important when you want to maintain your healthiest smile. What you might not feel so steady about, however, is whether you should be doing something to prepare for your consultation. As a matter of fact, there is! Hint: The steps for this part of your experience are very, very easy!
Your Oral Surgeon Suggests: 3 Things To Watch For At The Holiday Table
Are you ready for some simple tips from your oral surgeon that can help you avoid accidentally making some very poor choices during your holiday meal? Did you realize that even selections that seem perfectly healthy and lovely might be something that could leave you with a broken tooth, stressed jaw, damaged dental implant, or otherwise? While using your best judgment will usually suffice, your surgeon would love to cover some common problems just to be sure you’re prepared!
Wisdom Teeth: 3 Things You’re Wondering
You might feel completely okay about caring for or removing your wisdom teeth if necessary. However, that doesn’t take care of the fact that you’ve been wondering some things about these seemingly unnecessary and often problematic teeth that you just can’t shake. We would love to help address your curiosity!
Tooth Extractions: Not Worth Any Guilty Feelings!
You might think that requiring a tooth extraction is a bad thing. You may even feel guilty about the removal of your tooth, even if you’re not sure why. The truth is, you may see the removal of a tooth as a failure to protect that tooth. While we can certainly understand if you’d like to get more serious about your oral health care, we invite you to learn a lot more about extractions. They’re helpful, you can feel relieved knowing you have access to them, and guilt belongs nowhere in the mix!
Dental Implants: Just A Few Cold Weather Suggestions
If you’re wearing dental implants, then you know how important it is to pay close attention to your oral health. When you’re noticing a sticky sensation, bad breath, and dry lips, it’s obvious something is off with your moisture levels! Of course, this is a common affliction as winter approaches. Fortunately, we can help.
Your Oral Surgeon’s End Of Year Tips!
When you’re enjoying your time this winter season, celebrating with friends and family and cozying up during the holidays, your oral surgeon has some tips for you to consider along the way. Though we certainly don’t expect you to make your oral health the center of your seasonal fun, we do think spending just a few contemplative moments (and possibly some planning moments, too) will offer you great relief and will help keep your smile safe.