Q&A: In Honor Of Oral Cancer Awareness Month

There are those things that are easy to consider and think about on a daily basis. Then, there are those oral health issues that are often easy to overlook and forget about until they begin causing a problem. When it comes to issues like oral cancer, which are often silent as they begin developing, it’s easy to forget to remain mindful and proactive about keeping your mouth in excellent condition with preventive care. In honor of Oral Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage you to consider answers to common questions that will help you get on solid footing regarding this avoidable disease.

Questions and Answers

Question: Is oral cancer really something that I need to be worrying about? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has dealt with the issue.

Answer: We don’t suggest that you expend extra energy feeling stressed or overly concerned about this issue. However, we do encourage you to remain proactive. While you may not know anyone who has ever dealt with it, the disease is diagnosed in nearly 50,000 new patients every year and claims the lives of nearly 10,000 of those diagnosed. Prevention is extremely important.

Question: How do I know if I am developing oral cancer? Will I see obvious symptoms?

Answer: As mentioned, this disease is often silent for quite a while as it begins developing. While symptoms may eventually develop, you will have more success with detection and early treatment by keeping up with checkups (twice a year) with your general dentist.

Question: Should I come see you if I notice a change in the lining of my mouth or if any other abnormal things occur?

Answer: Of course. If you notice any type of change, whether it’s a well-known oral cancer symptom or anything else, we urge you to schedule an oral pathology visit, so we can examine your smile.

Prevent Serious Problems With Your Smile

Come see us if you notice any type of change with your oral health, so we can immediately guide you toward any necessary treatments. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Green Tea And Implants Quiz: Okay Or Not Okay?

If you’re someone who is wearing dental implants, you probably know quite a lot about what it takes to keep your smile safe and healthy. However, it’s not unusual to discover a lingering question here and there. For instance, you may wonder if your green tea habit (or perhaps you refer to it as an obsession!) is going to negatively impact the life of your implants. The good news is that it’s entirely possible to enjoy this beverage without compromising your tooth replacements. However, it’s not always good for your smile. Learn more with a quick quiz, so you can rest easy.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: On one hand, green tea is often considered “bad” because it is so acidic. This means it can cause acid erosion.
  2. True or False: Green tea can help protect you from gum inflammation, an issue that can end up making it more challenging to enjoy successful dental implants.
  3. True or False: Drinking tea consistently can end up causing your restorations to discolor over time.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. The acidity of green tea can lead to the erosion of your natural teeth over time. However, you don’t need to worry about it causing dental implants to fail. To be safe, follow tea with water, so it doesn’t continue to coat your teeth.
  2. True. You may have heard that green tea is loaded with polyphenols, which are naturally occurring compounds that can help protect your body against inflammation (even in your gums). This means that it may help prevent inflammation that may promote implant failure.
  3. True. If you want your entire smile to remain white (including your crowns), remember that green tea can leave a shadow. Rinse after tea and remember to brush and receive dental cleanings to keep your smile shining.

Get The Answers You Want To Protect Dental Implants

If you have questions, it is always best to bring them up during your visits with us. The more educated you feel, the easier it is to keep your dental implants safe and sound. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.

Bone Grafting: Questions About Aftercare

The benefits of bone grafting are many! This is a particularly necessary treatment if you are someone planning to receive dental implants (but your jawbone isn’t ready). While the advantages are likely enough to motivate you to schedule the procedure, you may find that you’d feel even better about things if you had some details about aftercare. We’re happy to give you a quick glimpse into what you can expect!

Now What?

Don’t worry! After your bone grafting procedure is complete, we will send you home with a thorough set of aftercare instructions. They will include information about how to manage any discomfort or swelling, how to keep your mouth clean, what to eat to promote proper healing, and when you may return to your usually scheduled activities.

What’s Normal?

When you’re through with your bone grafting procedure and you return home, you like to know what’s normal and what types of things should cause alarm. Consider a quick rundown of the “normal” stuff:

  • You’ll rest for about 48 hours
  • You’ll deal with some swelling, which should start to go down after about the third day
  • You may experience some discomfort, which you can easily manage with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen
  • Significant bleeding should let up after around four hours; minor bleeding should occur for about a full day

When Should I Call?

If you feel like something is wrong, such as blood loss that continues to remain heavy or severe discomfort, you should contact us right away at our 24-hour answering service. Call (707) 545-4625. Rest easy, will respond to you soon.

Learn About Bone Grafting During A Visit

Talk with us during your visit to learn more about what to expect after bone grafting, so you feel prepared to improve your smile. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Extractions: Why Can’t You Save My Tooth?

When you’re not just given the green light but given a big push to visit us, your oral surgeon team, to remove your tooth, you might show up with a long list of questions. Of course, we are very accustomed to answering them, so we always encourage you to bring them up! When it comes to oral surgery, we know that you want to feel secure and relaxed about your choice. As for why your tooth cannot be saved and requires a dental extraction, let’s get started with some common reasons.

Severe Tooth Infection Is Irreversible

You’re fully aware that the reason you need a dental extraction is because your tooth is seriously infected. However, you still wonder if there isn’t some way to clear up the infection like other infections that happen in your body. The answer to this particular uncertainty will explain why we must remove the tooth:

  • We cannot save a tooth because this type of infection is different. The tissue in your tooth (dental pulp) is infected and inflamed. Antibiotics cannot adequately reach the tissue and clear the problem.
  • The tissue will not heal. While a root canal treatment is often an option (to remove the pulp and restore the tooth), we will suggest an extraction when such care can no longer address the infection due to its severity.

Severe Damage Leaves No Other Option

When there isn’t enough tooth tissue for your dentist to work with, there’s simply no foundation on which to rebuild the tooth. “But can’t you just put a dental crown there?” you might ask. Unfortunately, a crown requires a sufficient amount of healthy tissue for support. If it’s not there, the only option left is to perform a dental extraction and then replace the tooth.

Sometimes, There’s No Need

There’s no reason to save a wisdom tooth if it’s causing your oral health problems. These teeth are unnecessary for your smile.

Protect Your Oral Health With An Extraction

Find out all you need to know about your required dental extraction, so you can protect your oral health with confidence. Schedule the time you need with us in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Sinus Lifts: 3 Things To Know

Not sure what to make of the diagnosis you have received as you look into choosing dental implants for yourself? If you were told you need a sinus lift because of upper jaw damage … but you don’t really know what that means … it can be easy to become hesitant. Don’t fret. We will spell out a few things you need to know, so you see it’s but a simple requirement that will help you reach your goals.

#1: Your Sinus Floor May Need A Hoist

When you experience tooth loss in your upper arch, something similar happens to your jawbone that occurs when you lose teeth in your lower arch: The tissue begins to become resorbed. Translation: Your jaw tissue goes away, thereby leaving you with less of it. What’s unique to your upper jaw is the fact that the floor of your maxillary sinus rests on it. So, if you need bone grafting to improve the volume of your jaw, you may need a sinus lift to make room for it.

#2: You May Need One For Dental Implant Candidacy

Keep in mind that if you want dental implants then you need a full, strong jawbone. If your jaw tissue has deteriorated, it will be time for the aforementioned bone grafting. When the implants are going into your upper arch, a sinus lift (as you’ve likely gathered) is often necessary, too.

#3: It’s Pretty Convenient

Don’t worry. You don’t need to feel like the amount of visits and time you’ll need for your preparatory treatments has just doubled. We will perform the sinus lift and the grafting during the same visit, so it’s not going to add any inconvenience to your journey toward receiving dental implants.

Come In For Your Sinus Lift Today!

When you’re not ready for dental implants just yet, we encourage you to get the ball rolling on your sinus lift and bone grafting ASAP, so you can complete your smile. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.

Implants And Your Hypertension Meds

Are you on medication for hypertension? If so, you may not recognize that there could be a link between high blood pressure and the need to protect your dental implants. The good news is that you, of course, are doing the best thing you can by managing your blood pressure. Even better news? We can certainly provide you with helpful information regarding what to expect from the meds you’re taking and how to ensure they don’t get in the way of your implant success. Let’s get started!

Hypertension Meds Cause Side Effects

Before we delve into the details of how hypertension medication can affect your dental implants, let’s work our way through the common side effects first. The problem most frequently reported as it relates to your oral health and implants: Dry mouth. Sure, it just sounds like something that’s taken care of with a sip of water but it can be a bit more serious than that. Unfortunately, it means your body isn’t making enough saliva, so your mouth is dry. Dry tissues end up with an overpopulation of bacteria.

Why Side Effects Matter

Now you know you’ve got too much bacteria in your mouth if you are, in fact, dealing with dry mouth from your high blood pressure medication. Too much bacteria means a greater chance of inflamed gum tissue, decay, and peri-implantitis (which leads to dental implant failure as the gum tissue surrounding implants becomes swollen and infected). Of course, you may also end up with bad breath and decayed teeth on top of it!

How To Improve The Problem

Always keep an open line of communication with your doctor, so you can do your best to protect your overall health and switch to a different drug when possible. You should also keep up with dental checkups, so you can receive the expert care you need to manage unavoidable dry mouth.

Remain Mindful Of Protecting Dental Implants

By speaking with us, your doctor, and your general dentist, you will be able to keep your mouth and implants in excellent condition. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Implants: Why Exceptional Care Is So Important

You might think that missing a brushing session just once is no big deal. You may think that since you’ve gotten away with not flossing for so many years without serious problems, you might as well continue on without it. We understand that at a glance, a bit of a lax approach doesn’t seem like it’s going to lead to severe consequences. However, it’s actually extremely important that you practice exceptional care, especially if you have dental implants. Let’s cover some significant details. (And remember, maintenance is actually very simple).

Get To Know Plaque

Your smile becomes coated every single day, day after day, with something known as biofilm or plaque. This substance is somewhat soft but sticky enough to adhere to teeth and your dental implant restorations. It’s easy to clean away with brushing and flossing when the plaque is soft. Here’s where things get tricky: In as little as 24 hours, it can turn into an extraordinarily hard, stubborn substance we know as calculus (or tartar). It’s not going to budge unless you receive a professional dental cleaning.

Plaque Is Your Enemy

Now you have a better idea of how plaque works and the limited window in which you have to remove it. Why is this so important, though, you wonder? Well, consider the details:

  • Plaque is loaded with bacteria that irritate your gums and that can erode tooth tissue
  • Tartar (and additional plaque) will accumulate, often migrating beneath your gums
  • When plaque and tartar take over, you may end up with decay, gum disease, and infection
  • Protecting the success of your dental implants means avoiding inflammation
  • Protecting remaining natural teeth and your overall oral health means avoiding inflammation, decay, and more, so brush and floss exactly as suggested

Protect Implants With Optimal Care

Remember to ask your questions about caring for your smile with dental implants when you’re at your next visit. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Why You Should Come In

We know that you might not feel very excited to come in to see us if you need oral surgery. However, we strongly encourage you to do so (particularly if your dentist has made the recommendation). To help you feel a bit more motivated to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment, we love explaining things from our perspective. Fortunately, it just might help you feel comfortable enough to come on in!

It’s Just A Consultation

Yes, you need oral surgery but you don’t need it on the day of your consultation. You’re going to talk with us. We’re going to spend some time viewing your smile and any records we received from your dentist. Think of it as a relaxing appointment when you can have your questions answered. You’ll get to know us, gain a comfort level with our office, and you’ll see that this journey is going to be much simpler and easy to achieve than you may have imagined.

You Really Do Need It

There are things you can ignore for a while. Then, there are those problems that may end up causing so many complications that you wish you’d avoided procrastinating. Under most circumstances, your need for oral surgery is pressing, which means it’s best to get the process started sooner than later. When you replace a missing tooth, remove a problematic one, address jaw problems, and more, you can expect the following:

  • Extraordinary relief in knowing what’s wrong and in fixing the issue, so you can move on
  • Enjoying the benefits of a healthy smile, which means feeling physically good, feeling happy about your appearance, and eating and speaking without a challenge

Come On In For An Easy Consultation

Coming in for a consultation is a very easy first step toward getting your oral health back to an exceptional level for optimal function, beauty, and comfort. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.

Stress Awareness Month: Protect Your Teeth!

As we get ready to welcome in April, we also usher in the recognition of a problem that affects nearly everyone you know (you’ve probably heard most people express it from time to time). What is it that we’re ushering in? Stress Awareness Month! From our perspective, this is a wonderful time to reflect on the way the stresses of your life impact your teeth. Can feeling this way damage your dental implants or lead to other complications with your smile? As a matter of fact, it can. Learn more, so you can maintain optimal oral health.

Stress And Implants

If you have dental implants, then you are already aware that promoting their success is fairly simple. However, you also know that there are certain risk factors that can encourage failure. Consistent pressure is one of these factors. If you are someone who feels stressed and that stress is translated into gritting, grinding, or clenching your teeth, you may have a problem. Do your best to remain up-to-date on dental checkups, so if you do experience TMJ disorder or bruxism disorder, you receive treatment before the pressure damages your implants.

Stress And Tooth Loss

Perhaps you still have all of your natural teeth but you’ve ignored a diagnosis of bruxism or TMJ disorder. Maybe you are not yet aware of the problem but you can tell you’re grinding or placing excess stress on your jaw joints. Unfortunately, over time, such issues can lead to the loss of your teeth (which will then require replacements like dental implants). Keep your smile safe by seeking out managements tools for your stress.

Don’t Let Stress Get The Best Of You

Like anything else to do with your oral health, we are happy to talk with you about how stress plays a role in smile damage and how to prevent or treat it. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.

Q&A: Pregnancy And Oral Surgery

When you are planning a family or when you’re already well on your way toward having a baby, your usual ability to schedule oral surgery at a moment’s notice changes. Protecting the health of your baby takes priority, which can mean dental work takes a back seat or otherwise requires some very thoughtful pre-planning. To help address your concerns about caring for your smile as you bring new life into the world, we provide you with an initial set of questions and answers (that we will be happy to elaborate upon in person).

Questions and Answers

Question: Do you suggest against receiving oral surgery when I’m pregnant?

Answer: Generally speaking, surgery during pregnancy is not recommended. This is to avoid any possible complications. Keep in mind that surgery requires the use of sedatives, which can negatively impact a developing fetus.

Question: What if I know that I need oral surgery before I make plans to start a family? Should I get work done ahead of time or just wait?

Answer: We always provide specific answers to our patients on a case by case basis. In general, however, to limit the chance of problems during pregnancy, we suggest receiving dental care to optimize your oral health before you become pregnant, if possible.

Question: Is it true that I might lose teeth as a result of pregnancy and may then require implants?

Answer: Not exactly! It is common for your shift in hormones to cause your teeth to become loose (or for the shift to promote periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss). However, keeping up with dental visits will ensure you avoid all manner of potential issues.

Protect Your Smile Before, During, And After Pregnancy

Coming in to discuss oral surgery and the best time for your treatments is a wonderful way to strategize your best care plan. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.