Month: September 2019

Why You Might Need Dental Work Before It’s Implant Time

You are so excited because you’re ready! Dental implants are definitely for you! However, then our Santa Rosa, CA team informs you that you’re almost a candidate … but not just yet. Should you ditch your plan, you wonder? Or hang in there? What you should do is remember, of course, that each and every… Read more »

Feeling Cranky Because Of Tooth Loss? Let’s Fix It.

It’s very easy to wake up one morning and realize that not only have you changed in the fact that you are missing teeth. In addition, you have a light bulb go off over your head as you suddenly see the light: You’ve gotten rather cranky. You’re upset when you have to decide where to… Read more »

Get To Know Us A Bit Better…Right Now!

If you have just found our Santa Rosa, CA oral and maxillofacial surgery practice and you’d really like to come in to see us … but you would like to know a little bit more about us first, no worries. We are happy to announce that our website is chock-full of information about nearly every… Read more »

How Your Smile Really Responds to Tooth Loss

The effects that tooth loss has on your smile’s appearance can be significant, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how your smile actually responds to the loss. For many people, the appearance of their smiles is enough to make them want to replace their lost teeth. However, at our… Read more »

Dental Implants: Start At The End (And Work Back) 

For some, the idea of a metered, step-by-step approach to a big shift is wonderful. You don’t even have to worry about what’s at the end of the journey because it’s there! What’s not to love about this? For others, that whole “take it one step at a time and you’ll see results later on”… Read more »

What Wisdom Teeth Removal Helps You Avoid

Wisdom teeth: Almost everybody develops them, most people aren’t sure what to do about them, and it’s extremely common for one to need them removed! With that said, there may be a part of you that’s wondering why? Can’t you just ignore them, assume things are fine, hope for the best, and get on with… Read more »

Oral Surgery: Fix Your Smile, Stop The Stress

You may feel as though you are stressed about potentially coming in for oral surgery. However, we remind you: Our Santa Rosa, CA team can absolutely help you through that! We can explain every last detail of what to expect, talk you through the comfort level you can look forward to (which is quite high),… Read more »

Extractions: An End Point Or A Fresh Start?

Depending on your perspective, a dental extraction can seem like the end of something (as you say goodbye to your tooth) or the very beginning of something (as you plan on rebuilding your smile with dental implants). So, which is it, you wonder? Should you feel bad about losing your tooth or good about removing… Read more »

Winter Break Plans? But Summer Isn’t Even Over!

Yes, we know, the last thing on your mind at the moment is winter break. You’re finally getting back into the swing of things, now that summer vacation is over, the kids are back in school, and the thought of winter break seems like a distant thing to consider. We get it. However, our Santa… Read more »

Considering Implants: Addressing Emotional Extremes!

While it doesn’t seem like much to think about at the beginning, as you find yourself deeper into the experience of considering dental implants, you may find that you deal with some extremes in emotion! You may at one moment feel elated and ready to sign up! At the next, however, you may find that… Read more »